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  • News

    Multiplex may delay giving Pinnacle price


    Multiplex may delay giving Arab Investments a price for its work on the Pinnacle tower amid rumours it is struggling to finalise a team to build the City of London scheme.

  • Slaughter: More affordable homes

    HBF asks government to buy unsold private homes


    Housing Corporation offers qualified support to housebuilders’ plan to bolster market

  • News

    Another Skanska boss leaves


    The exodus of senior management staff from Skanska has continued with the departure of a director involved in its PFI work.

  • Aston Martin

    Sliding glass doors


    Door and window control systems maker Geze UK is launching two stainless steel space-saving door systems designed for glass doors and suitable for a variety of buildings.

  • News

    Barratt prepares to underwrite lenders’ losses on new homes


    Barratt is to guarantee to banks that it will underwrite any potential losses on certain homes in order to improve lenders’ confidence in the new homes market.

  • Features

    Secure secondary glazing


    Selectaglaze has installed secondary glazing units for Smyth House, Northampton, a home for women with mental problems who have been assessed as “medium risk”. The brief from St Andrew's Healthcare was to provide secondary glazing units with integral Venetian blinds that also allow access to the primary windows. Selectaglaze installed ...

  • News

    BAA abandons plans to re-tender design framework


    Further evidence of BAA’s drive to cut tender costs emerged this week when it announced that it will not re-tender its design framework contracts this year.

  • The installation

    Pass us the Polyfilla


    Officials at the Tate Modern were this week preparing to have a 167m crack in the floor – intended as an art installation – filled in by contractors.

  • News

    What’s going where


    The latest aerial view of the Olympic parkSee attached file for larger version.

  • One of Parkeray’s London projects: The Science Museum

    And if none of that appeals


    …maybe it’s time you struck out on your own. That’s what three friends did when they set up an interior fit-out and refurbishment contractor from scratch. Ten years on, Parkeray has a turnover of £70m and over 100 staff. Olivia Hemmings asked co-founder Mike Murray how he did it

  • Features

    Where do you see yourself in 5 years?


    A career in construction could take you anywhere. You could be the one who gets to turn the outlandish designs of Zaha Hadid into a concrete reality, you could live in a beach hut while rebuilding a village ravaged by disaster or you could even launch your own business. The ...

  • Features

    What women want


    Being female in a male-dominated industry like construction can be frustrating and difficult. But fear not, Katie Puckett reports on a secret that could help you get ahead

  • Features

    Why (almost) everyone wants to be a project manager


    The glittering rewards of project management have lured many a construction professional and, as it becomes increasingly difficult to switch into new disciplines, now may be the time to take the leap. James Clegg finds out how some people did it …and why one man never will

  • Tony Bingham

    The land of make-believe


    The building industry should sit up and take notice of the McCartney/Mills divorce settlement: there are some valuable lessons to be learned, particularly when it comes to putting your side of the story to the court

  • Comment

    Pleural plaques: Kicking up a dust


    In 2007 the Lords ruled that sufferers of pleural plaques could not seek compensation through the courts. But claimants could still succeed if they base their case on a breach of contract

  • Comment

    On guards


    Security alert Site security firms may look alike, but there can be huge differences between how much they can do and how much trouble they can land you in. So, here’s a consumer’s guide

  • The chic new form of Charles de Gaulle’s Terminal 2E.

    The rebirth of Charles de Gaulle


    Four years after a structural collapse killed four people, Terminal 2E at France’s biggest airport has reopened. James Clegg flew in

  • Comment

    Lets be civilised


    I find Building’s unbalanced response to proposals for the statutory provisions for disabled access to new build-homes disturbing (28 March, page 3, 54-57).

  • Comment

    Standing up for the little guy


    It is little wonder that 70 SMEs went bust in a month, as reported in Building recently (28 March, page 11). Despite the good intentions of Egan and Latham, the industry is imploding because of the ill-founded initiatives that were based on those reports.

  • Comment

    Two plus two makes five


    Regarding the article “Lords reject economic benefits of immigration” (1 April, I wonder at times whether our government can actually add up.