More news – Page 2970

  • News

    Dual-flush WC


    Impulse Bathrooms has launched a dual-flush WC that is designed to cut domestic water use in homes by half.

  • News

    Grey water recycling


    For designers looking to meet level three and beyond of the Code for Sustainable Homes, Polypipe Sanitary Systems has launched a micro greywater recycling system.

  • News

    Solar powered ventilation


    Monodraught has launched a solar powered natural ventilation system for use in dwellings.

  • Arval’s integrated photovoltaics can be installed on pitches as shallow as 6°µ.

    Integrated photovoltaics


    Photovoltaics integrated into roof and cladding panels have been launched by Arval, part of Arcelor Construction.

  • The Delta Cool 24 phase change material comes in four versions. These pouches are said to perform best for passive climate control in commercial buildings.

    Phase change materials


    One of the disadvantages of modern lightweight construction is its lack of thermal mass, which means this type of building can overheat in the summer and can’t retain heat in the winter.

  • News

    Solar hot water


    Velux has launched a solar hot water system. The company, which is known for its rooflights but also markets itself as a ‘daylight engineer’, says the system could provide up to 70% of homes’ hot water requirements.

  • Still a keen painter (despite getting an E in A level art)

    How they made it: Will Alsop


    How they made it - Do things your own way, work for someone you respect, steer clear of venture capitalists, and don’t hurry lunch … Will Alsop is full of advice for budding architects. Over a leisurely afternoon drink, he shares some of it with Roxane McMeeken

  • Windows can open, but tenants don’t open them

    30 St Mary Axe: A gherkin to suit all tastes


    Having dominated London’s City skyline for four years, the Gherkin is now appealing to a wide range of occupiers. Shame about the windows, though.

  • Features

    New Orleans reconstruction: We shall overcome


    Three years after Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans, the city is still in ruins and 40,000 people are homeless. The government has abandoned reconstruction in favour of commercial development, but the residents of the Lower Ninth Ward, determined to stop their district becoming an industrial park, have engaged charities, architects ...

  • Comment

    Wonders & blunders


    A tale of two London stations this week – one a glorious example of what the new can bring to the old, the other a grim warning of what it can take away, says Robert Clark

  • News

    Fantastic law in Dudley


    September 1948

  • Features

    Site canteen competition: And Britain's best-fed builders are...


    In December, Building launched a contest to find the best site canteen in the UK. With the shortlist whittled down to three, Katie Puckett joined our intrepid judges as they worked their way through the finest ‘grill-ups’ and porridge in the land. It was a tough job, but eventually a ...

  • Greg Verhoef

    When the fix is in


    There’s nothing wrong with prequalification in theory. Alas, there’s no shortage of things wrong with it in practice. Greg Verhoef explains how the system works

  • Comment

    In the detail


    This week

  • Comment

    10 years of the Construction Act


    Ten years after it became law, the Construction Act is a boisterous, perplexing triumph. Here’s its biography. Overleaf, Rudi Klein and Dominic Helps add their views, and we hear from one man who went through the mill and survived

  • Comment

    A sunnier picture


    I was somewhat bemused by your recent article on the lack of demand for zero-carbon housing (4 April, page 68-71), because it almost completely contradicts our experience of supplying solar photovoltaic systems to homeowners and housebuilders.

  • Comment

    All open and above board


    I read with interest Liam Holder’s letter (4 April, page 38) suggesting that my article on SGS vs Barratt (14 March, page 70) breached some kind of “assumed” confidentiality.Although I acknowledge the general assumption is that adjudication is private and notionally confidential, I have yet to see any law that ...

  • Comment



    Thanks to the Beach Boys, everybody thinks vibrations are good, but what happens when they turn bad?

  • Michael Gove

    It’s housing, stupid


    What’s the one thing that affects our personal wellbeing, our personal wealth and our personal future more than any other? And what do you think might happen to any government that threatens it?

  • Comment

    Building buys a pint … at the NSPCC pub quiz


    Right. Here we go. The NSPCC pub quiz. A low-pressure affair you might think for the hacks at Building magazine, but there is professional pride at stake here.