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  • Lost Penguins in Norway

    Construction firms back North Pole trek


    McGee and McGrath Group sponser team of 'Lost Penguins' in race to raise money for WaterAid

  • Features

    Fit towns: A Walk on the Wild Side


    It might sound a bit off the wall, but this urban designer and his family believe town planning can help us stay healthy. Katie Puckett went for an amble with them to find out how

  • More than 34,000 jobs have gone on Wall Street during the credit crunch

    Market forecast: Growth slips


    Tender prices are rising less rapidly as new orders slow, while growth could fall below 1% this year, warn Peter Fordham and Máren Bauldauf of Davis Langdon

  • Alex Smith

    Web watch - Reporters beware


    Now readers can generate their own web content about issues that concern them on Building’s new online discussion board. Alex Smith takes a peek at the hottest topics so far…

  • Comment

    My favourites … Ian Tant


    This week

  • Features

    Where’s the remote?


    Universities have latched on to the benefits of using the internet to deliver courses, says Katie Puckett. But tutors needn’t worry about being replaced by robots just yet…

  • Features

    Foreign Office Architects' John Lewis in Leicester: Great Drapes


    Foreign Office Architects’ new John Lewis department store in Leicester has revolutionised retail design by wearing its curtains department on the outside. Martin Spring admires the stitching

  • The Crucible is home to the World Snooker Championship, which culminates in this Sunday’s final.

    Crucible Theatre: Right on cue


    If there’s one thing the city of Sheffield, the world’s snooker fans and project manager David Hobson can all agree on, it’s that nothing can stand in the way of the World Snooker Championship next year. Not even its venue’s much-needed revamp. Thomas Lane puts you in the frame

  • Denise Chevin

    Market testing sustainability


    Is sustainability going to be the next casualty of the credit crunch? With houses recording their first annual fall for 12 years, and Tony Pidgley describing the crisis as worse than the nineties, it’s hard to imagine consumers squandering their angst on solar panels.

  • Gus Alexander

    Tender is the blight


    There’s no excuse for bid rigging, but there may be certain facts that explain it. Like, for example, the whole way competition is supposed to work in our industry

  • Comment

    Building buys a pint … for RMJM


    For this week’s pint we are in the heart of trendy Hoxton in east London, the raw version of architect’s ghetto Clerkenwell, which lies just to the west.

  • Comment

    Government diktat


    The Office of Fair Trading investigation started in 2004 and its statement of objection was published on 17 April 2008. Your leader column (25 April, page 3) guesses how much the the public purse might have been diddled out of.

  • Comment

    Talking ourselves into it


    The media hype around the looming recession merely serves to perpetuate the problem.

  • Comment

    Pump it up


    Your recent article on the Code for Sustainable Homes (18 April, page 52) makes a good point. There is indeed much confusion around the code and SAP ratings, mostly because, in important areas, the formulae used in SAP are based on historic data and are not up to date with ...

  • Comment

    Extinguish your torch


    How long can it be before the gas torch is banned from the flat-roofing industry?

  • Comment

    Shurely shome mishtake


    I am led to understand that the glulam option (widely and imaginatively used around the world for swimming pool structures) for the roof structure of the aquatics centre has been rejected in favour of steel – on grounds of cost! Is this information accurate?

  • Comment

    In the detail


    This week

  • Comment

    Sexual politics


    Sometimes it’s hard to be a man. They must use tact when persuading partners not to drive off a cliff and are cruelly judged on the colour of their shirts. Still, at least they don’t have to give birth…

  • A double-height dining space makes up the reassuring heart of London's Maggie’s Centre. The glowering hospital is almost entirely screened from view.

    Richard Rogers' Maggie's Centre: Room for Reassurance


    The site for England’s first Maggie’s cancer care centre wasn’t quite the tranquil spot originally intended, but Rogers Stirk Harbour & Partners worked with bright colours and canopies to create a peaceful retreat

  • News

    US legal giant offers to act for bid-rigging victims


    As CMHT contacts clients, Bowmer & Kirkland and Durkan Pudelek emerge on ‘cash for bids’ list