More news – Page 2914

  • Fire broke out at a five-storey apartment project in Manchester in March

    HSE to crack down on site fire risks


    The Health and Safety Executive is planning to reduce the risk of fires on sites by clamping down on dangerous working practices, writes Thomas Lane.

  • News

    Project managers lead skills crisis


    Site and project management are the areas where the industry is facing its biggest skills shortage worldwide, according to a major report released this week by accountant KPMG

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    More gloom for US housing market


    Confidence in the US housing market has been further dented by a sharp rise in foreclosure (repossessions) in May according to RealtyTrac figures.

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    House prices are still up on a year ago, says FT survey


    It flies in the face of other house price measures, but the FT house price survey puts prices in England and Wales up by 2.7% on a year ago, despite a 0.6% fall in May.

  • Chris Addison



    We’re all depressed. Nobody has cash to buy all our wharfside flats any more. But take heart, says Chris Addison, help is at hand in the form of the the insane, the vain and the very, very rich

  • Comment

    Building buys a pint … for Scott Tallon Walker


    The London office of Irish architect Scott Tallon Walker is despondent on this rainy Monday evening. Why? Because their colleagues in Ireland are enjoying a bank holiday.

  • Aaron Wall

    Let’s hear it for the engineers


    New thinking: We’re qualified, skilled and creative, so why do even our colleagues fail to recognise the importance of engineers? Aaron Wall kicks off a series of columns by our graduate advisory board

  • Jasmin Maric

    Euro 2008: the clash of nations


    Most people remember that fateful day back in March when England crashed out of Euro 2008, leaving devastated fans with nothing but a rainstorm and hours of congestion.

  • Features

    The tracker: End of the party


    As enquiries fall sharply, it is beginning to look as though construction’s long, long boom may be coming to an end at last. But, as always, the picture is more complex than the headlines suggest. Experian Business Strategies reports

  • Nicholas Doyle

    Home truths: Power to the people


    Tackling the environmental impact of housing is a question of showing the great British public how much they can save by reducing their energy consumption, says Nicholas Doyle

  • Lindy Patterson

    Identity crises


    Although name borrowing may seem like a simple concept, it can lead to conflicting issues for all parties involved

  • Tony Bingham

    RICS consultancy form: On surprisingly good form


    The new crop of RICS standard contract are about to make quantity surveyors’ lives a lot easier

  • Comment

    A health check


    Health and safety regs set out legal requirements for employers to make suitable risk assessments. It’s not as easy as it sounds…

  • I is for indemnity

    I is for indemnity

    The A-Z of construction law - Our instant course in legal concepts continues by asking what exactly is an indemnity and how would you spot one in a contract?

  • “The day of practical completion, and still so much to do“

    Working life - Sophie Campbell: Learning to swim in the deep end


    Sophie Campbell, architect at Sheppard Robson and a member of Building’s editorial advisory board, tells the story of what happened when her project leader left the firm and she had to step into his shoes

  • Comment

    Generation gripe


    Fed up with eager young pups at work who don’t know they’re born? Or had enough of hearing how it was back in the old days? Email us anonymously with what’s bugging you about the other generations …

  • Hansom

    Just desserts


    Bouygues gets its own back on your diarist, BCO delegates take delight in Gordon Brown’s travails, and Lord Foster pours his considerable talent into making a really splendid jelly

  • The hunger strike at the Maze became a turning point in the Troubles

    Maze Prison: Lost in the maze


    The site of the notorious Maze prison was going to be the symbolic location of Northern Ireland’s showpiece stadium and a ‘conflict transformation centre’. Now, after five years work and £5m spent, the plan is set to be scrapped.

  • Bernard Ainsworth

    Bernard Ainsworth interview: Shard man


    ‘Ultimate project manager’ Bernard Ainsworth is ready to perform his next miracle on the Shard at London Bridge, and he’ll rip up the plans and start from scratch if it gets the controversial scheme completed. Roxane McMeeken went to meet him

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    Fewer carrots, more stick


    A commercial market should never be allowed to test or qualify sustainability – unless you’re not totally serious about the issue (2 May, page 3).