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  • News

    We need political will for the existing stock


    The answers are there to reduce emissions from UK housing. Once the UKGBC wraps up its consultation - the 18th piece of work in this policy area since 2000 - it's time for Whitehall to finally act, says David Strong

  • Comment

    Building goes sailing … with Franklin + Andrews


    It’s nine in the morning on the Isle of Wight but, technically, we begin this “Building Buys a Pint” halfway through the drinking session.

  • James Bulley

    The fixer: James Bulley, the Olympics’ troubleshooter


    Ah, the London Olympics. Twenty-three venues, 15,000 athletes, 9 million visitors. What could possibly go wrong? It’s James Bulley’s job to plan for anything that does. So why is he looking so damned cool?

  • The Matrix

    My digital life — Chris Millington


    Analyst Chris Millington works from dawn till dusk, and takes his Blackberry with him to the beach. Even his little leisure time is full of drive (Wii Tiger Woods’ golf drive, that is)

  • Features

    Blood, sweat and fixed gears: Building’s cycling track day


    When dozens of the industry’s most fanatical cyclists descended on a London velodrome for Building’s inaugural Track Day, an afternoon of frenetic racing ensued – stirring memories of a certain sporting extravaganza held in the stadium 60 years earlier …

  • Features

    The tracker: The bumpy road


    Despite wider financial turmoil, most industry sectors held their position this month – although cracks begin to show when the regions are examined more closely, says Experian Business Strategies

  • Comment

    Hansom — Good sports


    The country is in sporting mood, and the construction industry is no exception, cycling, diving and sailing the summer away. Oh, and rescuing some cute little kittens. Aww …

  • Michael Eavis

    Michael Eavis: the Glastonbury Festival founder talks rural housing


    You might think that a man with 900 acres of farmland and the Glastonbury festival to run has enough to keep himself busy. But Michael Eavis has decided to help solve the rural housing crisis as well. Thom Gibbs finds out why

  • Comment

    The long road to a quick fix


    I agree with a lot of David Lock’s article on eco-towns (25 June, page 54).

  • The plastic pipe lobby tested copper’s mettle, but this week it’s hitting back

    Copper vs plastic: round two


    With reference to the Durapipe UK letter (25 July, page 30), copper continues to be the dominant plumbing material in the UK because of its reliability and durability and the fact that it can be used for all building services pipework.

  • Comment

    I want to be a lawn


    When it comes to green roofs, there are two points that are often understated. First, microclimate and second, the protection to the material elements of a building.

  • Comment

    Lending support


    While my interests are different to those of David Strong (20 June, page 43), I am glad to lend my support to his criticisms of the current unsatisfactory state of “building control” in England and Wales.

  • Comment

    Time for a change


    Clause nine of the CDM regulations obliges the client to ensure that the project is allocated sufficient time.

  • Comment

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • A sunken courtyard for wine sampling is focused on the town’s medieval castle

    A fine winery: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners’ Spanish project


    In between its airport terminals and office towers, Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners manages to find time for the odd small but perfectly formed project. Martin Spring visits a wine factory in northern Spain

  • News

    Rok cuts building turnover by 50%


    Garvis Snook, chief executive of Rok, will halve turnover at the group’s building arm to fund a push into social housing.

  • News

    Bouygues 20% turnover rise


    Construction turnover at Bouygues rose by 20% from €3.7bn (£2.9bn) to €4.4bn in the first half of 2008.

  • News

    Profit slumps 43% at Clark


    Pre-tax profit at Scottish group Clark Contracts dropped 43% from £162,491 to £93,408 in the year ended 31 October 2007.

  • News

    Polaris boost for Barratt


    Shares in Barratt rose by a quarter to 160p in early trading this week after it was revealed that US mutual fund Polaris Asset Management had upped its stake in the housebuilder to 6.2%.

  • News

    Callcutt disappointed at review response


    Former Crest Nicholson boss John Callcutt has hit out at the government’s failure to ban housebuilders that don’t meet customer satisfaction benchmarks from public sector funding.