More news – Page 2805

  • Features

    Get with IT


    ICT is at the heart of all schools built under the BSF programme, but so far architects and designers have yet to switch on to the bigger picture. Stephen Kennett looks at what it takes

  • Features

    Lighting control systems


    Dynalite has launched the Ecolinx lighting energy management system for commercial buildings.

  • Features

    Smart floor tiles


    Tau Cermamica has collaborated with Pep Torres to develop a smart floor tile, which is equipped with a weight sensor and a microchip which can record the length of time a person stands on the tile.

  • Features

    Rugged laptops …


    Rugged laptop manufacturer Getac has launched the V100, which features a sunlight-readable LCD screen that uses an active anti-reflective process to block reflected light, increasing visibility, even under the brightest conditions.

  • Features

    More rugged laptops


    Dell has launched the Latitude E-Family range of rugged laptops which includes the Latitude E6400 ATG, a 14.1-inch semi-rugged laptop, built and tested to meet military 810F standards for dust, vibration and humidity resistance.

  • Features

    Remote pictures


    Red Zebra Mobile is a new mobile phone image management system that allows site managers, workers and subcontractors to take pictures and send them in real-time to an online gallery for office-based colleagues to look at.

  • Features

    Data cabling conduit


    Mita has launched the Cableline Prima 60 three-compartment, moulded PVC trunking system which has been designed for use with power cables and high-density category 5E, category 6 shielded cabling and 10Gb structured cabling.

  • Features

    Server cabinets


    Panduit has launched the Net Access server cabinet (pictured). The cabinet is the result of a collaboration with IBM, and the company claims it provides improved performance in terms of cable management, cooling efficiency and grounding over previous generation server cabinets.

  • Biometric fingerprint systems such as the Liver Register system can be used to replace smart cards and key pad entry systems

    The alternatives: Secure schools


    Schools have to provide secure access systems, both to keep unwanted visitors out and to keep pupils in. Stephen Kennett looks at three ideas – from the simple to the really clever

  • News

    Mixed fortunes for Galliford


    Galliford Try has reported a flat profit of £60m for the year to 30 June after incurring £9.1m in land writedowns and £1.9m in redundancy costs.

  • News

    Profit falls at Stewart Milne


    Profit at Scottish contractor and housebuilder Stewart Milne has slumped 40% as a result of the ailing housing market.

  • Make’s gleaming dumb-bell of a pavilion links academia with the business community

    Make has triplets


    Make Architects has just unveiled three pavilions for the University of Nottingham – two in terracotta allude to the city’s geology, the third is even more heavyweight …

  • News

    Fine form


    Willmott Dixon has been appointed to build this £20m academy in Tipton, West Midlands.

  • News

    Construction needs ‘half as many recruits as expected’


    The number of recruits needed by the industry over the next four years has been halved by the downturn, according to data released on Wednesday.

  • Comment

    My digital life — Martin Clowes


    The boss of Elementa Consulting climbs mountains, reads war tales, sails boats and owns old vinyl records, and likes any technology that fits in with these passions

  • Comment

    Eat, drink, fall overboard


    It’s Cowes again, where gentleman are free to do what gentleman do best – sail close to the wind, sink pontoons, tumble arse-first down hatches and beer-first off the back of boats

  • News

    Dutch masterplan


    This is the first view of Anglo-Dutch architect S333’s masterplan for the regeneration of the area around Derriford hospital, to the north of Plymouth.

  • News

    Halt to eco-towns consultation called for until after review


    Planning lawyers have called for the government to delay a consultation on its eco-town programme until after a judicial review of one scheme.

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    Multi-faceted learning


    Architect Broadway Malyan has received outline planning permission for this £24m sixth-form college and centre of excellence in Stoke-on-Trent.

  • News

    Gateway standards


    All new homes built in the Thames Gateway may have to meet standards such as Building for Life and BREEAM after Cabe said they should be a mandatory part of a “design pact”.