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  • Features

    Last word in trainers: APC assessment guide


    The people who brought you the APC Trainer have gone one better … Jon Lever is the man who trains the APC assessors and over the next two years he will guide you through each step in the process that leads up to the final assessment on This week, ...

  • News

    AIM-listed Qatari steel specialist quadruples turnover


    Structural steel specialist Panceltica has quadrupled turnover in the six months to 30 June 2008 and said it will become a billion-pound company in three years.

  • News

    Pochin hit in pocket


    Construction and property group Pochin has been hit by the global downturn, with pre-tax profit sinking to £1.7m – a fall of more than 80% from last year’s £9.1m.

  • News

    Osborne's £1.8m loss


    Construction and property group Osborne has posted a pre-tax loss of £1.76m in the year to 31 March 2008.

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    Ennstone approach


    Ennstone approach Ennstone, the materials group, has reportedly begun takeover talks with Marwyn Materials, a cash shell.

  • News

    Barratts bank talks


    Sources close to the talks between Barratt and its banks have dismissed claims that the group is in danger of breaching its recently negotiated banking covenants as “wide of the mark”.

  • Comment

    Building buys a pint … for Elementa Consulting


    Chosen venue: The George, Borough High Street Ambience: Olde Worlde pub crowded with not so olde worlde afterwork drinkers Topics: sustainable pubs, softball and water divining Drinks: 7 pints of Guinness, 4.5 pints of bitter, 1 pint of Fosters, a half of Becks, 2 white wines

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    Architects get mistaken for moneylenders, engineers try to be journalists and there’s snow on the horizon in Saudi Arabia. All in all, it’s been a rather bizarre week …

  • News

    Housing stats: New-build sales and completions in August 2008


    Private residential schemes remain in the doldrums, but the public sector is holding up

  • Comment

    My digital life: Chris Lynn


    Engineer and sports addict Chris Lynn is happy to admit he uses his computer to play games, watch the Olympics and visit football websites, but is a bit more secretive about the present he’s bought his wife

  • Features

    Okay, so there’s a downturn, but it’s never a bad time to bolt on a few extra skills …


    Despite the cloud hanging over the industry, students are continuing to pile into construction-related postgraduate courses. And, as Debika Ray discovers, it may not be as mad as it sounds

  • News

    Profit at Wolseley plunges 77% despite 7,700 job cuts


    The credit crunch has pushed pre-tax profit down 77% at building materials group Wolseley.

  • News

    Sharewatch: dizziness and nausea may occur


    When asked to explain the events of last week, most City analysts were uncharacteristically lost for words.

  • News

    ODA admits village funding ‘very difficult’


    The Olympic Delivery Authority has said the problem of securing funding for the £1.2bn Olympic village has been exacerbated by the turmoil in the financial markets over the past week, write Sarah Richardson and Dan Stewart.

  • News

    Primary school plan announced


    The government is likely to put in place a more formal delivery strategy for its primary school capital build programme this autumn, officials have said.

  • News

    Council vote


    Labour ministers defeated a conference motion that proposed to give councils money directly to improve their housing stock.

  • News

    Asbestos speech


    Alan Ritchie, general secretary of the Ucatt, told the conference that workers who had developed pleural plaques after exposure to asbestos were being cheated out of their rightful compensation by a “greedy, scheming” insurance industry.

  • News

    Give the money back


    Almost £1bn of lottery funding for the 2012 Olympics should be kept for the regeneration of east London, instead of being returned to lottery good causes when land is sold, Hackney councillor Guy Nicholson said.

  • News

    Hansom’s conference


    Our diarist dogs some politicians for a change …

  • News

    U-turn on regional powers


    The government is preparing to backtrack on a proposal to force regional assemblies to give up planning powers to quangos.