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  • News

    Sharewatch: grist for the rumour mill


    Despite ticking offs from the archbishops of Canterbury and York, short-sellers still gave housebuilders “a good kicking” last week, in the words of one analyst (see graph).

  • Foreign Office Architects’ John Lewis department store in Leicester is draped in ornate cladding reminiscent of lacy net curtains

    Cost model: Retail development


    This year marks the peak of the retail cycle. With the economy slowing, can future schemes deliver quality and innovation? Simon Rawlinson and Richard Taylor of Davis Langdon investigate

  • News

    Oakdene breaches banking covenant after £6.4m loss


    The future of Oakdene Homes has been called into question after it became the first listed housebuilder to breach its banking covenants this week.

  • Emily Wright

    Doorstepping Wall Street


    Emily Wright sees history being made in New York

  • Rod MacEachrane

    A code to live by


    Last week the OFT told the housing industry it needed a new customer code of conduct. We’re on to it, says the head of a cross-industry group

  • Parliament has too much hot air

    Too much hot air


    As of Wednesday all publicly accessible government buildings over 1,000m2, including the Houses of Parliament are required to display certificates showing their energy usage, but with trading standards saying nobody will be prosecuted for non-compliance until 2009, it seems to have been something of a soft launch.

  • News

    Government may ditch its own green standard for eco-towns


    The government is considering abandoning the use of the Code for Sustainable Homes for its flagship eco-towns programme.

  • 22-storey tower designed by New York architect Reiser+Umemoto

    A hole new world


    This 22-storey tower is ushering in a new wave of even more architecturally adventurous buildings in Dubai.

  • News

    How Multiplex and Cleveland Bridge freewheeled to disaster


    September 2002 Cleveland Bridge (CBUK) appointed to £60m steelwork contract on Wembley stadium July-August 2004 CBUK walks off the project in a dispute over payment, claiming that Multiplex had breached its contract.

  • Rupert Choat

    Why did they spend £22m on a £6m dispute?


    Rupert Choat of Cameron McKenna explains

  • News

    Wembley on trial


    The Cleveland Bridge vs Multiplex trial was one of the largest cases to result from the stadium project, but it certainly was not the only one. Here are three of the others …

  • News

    Councils may risk planning free-for-all


    The Conservative party says it would leave councils to make all their own planning decisions, even if that meant risking a development free-for-all in some areas, writes Joey Gardiner.

  • News

    High-speed rail link promised


    The Conservatives have pledged to build a £15.6bn high-speed rail line from London to Leeds instead of a third runway at Heathrow airport.

  • Hansom

    Hansom’s conference


    This week, our intrepid diarist stalks the Tories

  • News

    News just in


    Lord Coe, the chair of the London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games, has described the Wembley stadium project as a “cock-up”.

  • News

    Prisk’s OFT warning


    Shadow construction minister Mark Prisk has said the Office of Fair Trading needs to avoid “ambulance chasing” in its inquiry into the industry.

  • News

    Hypocrisy charge


    Ucatt has described Tory plans to encourage apprenticeships as hypocritical.

  • Over 5,000m2 of Kalzip stucco-embossed, aluminium, standing seam roofing has been used on the new £24m Olympic-sized swimming pool complex at Cardiff Bay’s International Sports Village.

    Standing seam roofing


    Over 5,000m2 of Kalzip stucco-embossed, aluminium, standing seam roofing has been used on the new £24m Olympic-sized swimming pool complex at Cardiff Bay’s International Sports Village.

  • Features

    Reinforced waterproofing system


    M.R. Site Services has launched Roll-A-Flex, a fully reinforced waterproofing system that provides an alternative to welded joints for situations in which welding joints is impractical.

  • Features

    Icopal’s Parabit Hot Melt waterproofing system


    Icopal’s Parabit Hot Melt waterproofing system for inverted, green and plaza deck roofs and its Imperma SBS tanking membrane have both been awarded British Board of Agrément certificates (08/4514 & 07/4486).