More news – Page 2766

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    Going concern


    The health and safety blunder photograph on 26 September (page 35) raised concerns for us.

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    Community action


    In response to Robert Adam’s article “They’re having you on” (26 September, page 36), I would like to draw Mr Adam’s attention to the Construction Emissions Community of Practice (CECoP), an inclusive group of practitioners brought together to develop a fair and transparent methodology to assess the initial impact of ...

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    Government: the noes have it …


    Margaret Beckett will undoubtedly make just as big an impact on housing as she did during the foot and mouth epidemic: none.Mike Morgan

  • Comment

    … again …


    The government of the UK is a pathetic joke and construction is particularly affected.

  • Comment

    … and, well, you get the point


    So the government may ditch its own standards on eco-towns. Ministers need to get a much higher calibre of advice on this.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Features

    We want to make a complaint – ConstructionSkills’ Mark Farrar interview


    It seems that the industry is deeply unhappy with ConstructionSkills. Roxane McMeeken tells its new boss why – and asks him what he’s doing about it. Photographs by Tom Harford Thompson

  • Comment

    Who’s suing whom A round-up of the writs in the Technology and Construction Court


    Berkeley Homes vs Danel and Alexandra Cleland-James

  • Paul Morrell

    The likely lads – who will be chief construction officer?


    A new actor is about to go on stage: the chief construction officer. And whoever gets the part will need to be quite a performer, because they’ll have to act for the industry in Whitehall, and for Whitehall in the industry. Sophie Griffiths conducted a quick audition …

  • News

    ICE calls for 30-year national transport strategy


    The Institution of Civil Engineers has berated the government for failing to create a coherent transport investment plan.

  • Selfridges, Oxford Street.

    It's a wrap


    Croydon-based specialist contractor Stonewest came up with this ingenious scaffolding for carrying out remedial works on Selfridges, Oxford Street.

  • News

    Sign up for the Olympics webinar


    The Olympic Delivery Authority chairman will be joining Building readers for a webinar on the 2012 Games at 12pm on 4 November.

  • News

    A fresh challenge


    Now that the dust has settled, we must wait and see what effect a housing development winning the Stirling prize will have on the sector.

  • Features

    A lens on 3XN’s new Museum of Liverpool


    There is just one thing about 3XN’s Museum of Liverpool on which everyone agrees: it will offer fabulous views of the Mersey. Thomas Lane looks at the construction challenges behind the city’s most controversial new structure.

  • Features

    Plenty of countries for old men


    Building’s second Good Employer Guide, published with this week’s issue, looks at how firms can help their staff to find their feet overseas. And, as Dean Gurden reports, this has become an increasingly tempting option for more experienced professionals

  • Feilden Clegg Bradley

    Webmaster review: Feilden Clegg Bradley website


    Following Feilden Clegg Bradley’s recent Stirling prize victory, we take a look at to see if its website design matches its Accordia project

  • Features

    The tracker: Still in the woods


    Although some regions’ fortunes are looking up, activity continues to decline and it’s showing no signs of getting better, warns Experian Business Strategies

  • Man on digger

    Unlikely partners


    This man is dancing with a 13-tonne digger as part of the Dance Umbrella festival, which comes to London this weekend.

  • News

    Diploma uptake half that expected


    Just half of the original 3,000 students who were expected to sign up for the construction and built environment diploma are actually on the course, it was revealed this week.

  • News

    B4 its time: Sheppard Robson B4 Building


    Sheppard Robson has submitted the £70m B4 Building for planning