More news – Page 2684

  • Comment

    We gotta rep to protect


    It has been brought to our attention that your publication (10 October, page 95) used the term “formica” in a manner that could be interpreted to mean decorative plastic laminates in general.

  • Comment

    A Christmas cheer


    On behalf of our charity Wishes 4 Kids, I would like to thank you and all those involved for the generous donation of £6,000 that was raised during Building’s poker tournament in October. We decided to use the money to grant the wishes of six very poorly children.

  • Safety blunders

    Safety blunders: Dances with death


    We had an astonishing selection of entries to our health and safety blunders competition in 2008. Here is our selection of the best, which reveal how construction workers around the world laughed in the face of danger and demonstrated shocking brutality towards trees…

  • Chris Addison

    Countdown to Christmas!


    Regardless of our straitened circumstances, fun must be had. Chris Addison explains how, with a bit of ingenuity and a set of crayons, we can make the most of what we have

  • Building buys a pint for... Quattro Design Architects

    Building buys a pint... for Quattro Design Architects


    This must be some sort of a record. No, not the drinks tally, which is tame by some standards, but the distance that tonight’s group has travelled. Representatives from architect Quattro Design have made the trip all the way from the West Country – Bristol and Gloucester to be exact.

  • Hansom

    Complete baubles


    Plenty of seasonal fare here: a ghost story that Dickens would have been proud of, at least one joke worthy of a Christmas cracker, 10 Santas, and a well-earned nap in a snoozarium

  • It's a horrible life

    Building's Review of the Year 2008


    We know, we know, the year we’ve just had was about as enjoyable as the tooth-drilling scene from Marathon Man. But it was certainly dramatic, and if you look hard enough, you might even find one or two Frank Capra moments to celebrate. Building presses the rewind button

  • Stuart Macdonald

    Sleeping through it all


    When we published our third issue of this year with the cover line “The slump of 2008”, few of us could have predicted just how quickly the water would rise around the construction industry.

  • Kier Group has brought festive spirit to Parliament Square by decking out a crane on its UK Supreme Court site in Christmas lights

    Merrily on high


    Kier Group has brought festive spirit to Parliament Square by decking out a crane on its UK Supreme Court site in Christmas lights.

  • London-based Crab Studio

    Victory in Vienna


    Sir Peter Cook and Zaha Hadid have won design competitions for two of the five buildings at Vienna Business University’s £225m campus.

  • News

    2012 press centre to stay put


    A deal with developer Westfield to move the 300,000ft2 Olympic press centre, part of the £385m media centre, to the Stratford City development is unlikely to go ahead, according to Olympic sources.

  • News

    BAA break-up


    BAA could be forced to sell Stansted, Edinburgh and Gatwick airports after the Competition Commission confirmed proposals to break up the company.

  • News

    Bath Spa legal action


    Carillion and Grimshaw are being sued for £21m by Bath and North-east Somerset council over the Bath Spa project.

  • News

    BSF delay


    The selection of a winning bidder on the £1.2bn Birmingham Building Schools for the Future programme has been delayed until 12 January.

  • News

    Major contractors join new trade body


    Mace, Carillion and Balfour Beatty are among the first companies to sign up to the UK Contractors Group, the new trade association to be launched in January.

  • Proposed £40m Lansdowne campus at Bournemouth & Poole College

    Bourne again


    Sheppard Robson has received planning permission for the £40m Lansdowne campus at Bournemouth & Poole College.

  • News

    Latest construction appointments - 19 December 2009


    WSP names new associate director and associate in South-east

  • News

    20,000 new homes stand empty across the UK, ministers told


    More than 20,000 newly built private homes are unsold in the UK, senior industry figures have told the government.

  • News

    SMEs face 120-day payment wait


    Subcontractors are having to wait more than 120 days for payment as the downturn hits construction supply chains, it has emerged.

  • This £16m Well Being Centre in Belfast integrates health, social services and leisure facilities

    Well, well, well


    This £16m Well Being Centre in Belfast integrates health, social services and leisure facilities.