More news – Page 2666

  • Solar cells on contractor Fitzpatrick’s Hertfordshire headquarters

    Developers fear becoming green energy suppliers


    Survey reveals that a third of firms expect to become responsible for renewable energy generation

  • Metz's South Leicestershire College in Wigston near Leicester

    Work starts on Metz's £40m South Leicestershire College


    Bowmer & Kirkland begins construction of new campus building featuring Arup-engineered steel sculpture

  • Comment

    Most local builders are now shedding jobs as workload collapses


    The latest survey of local builders by their trade body FMB paints a grim picture with workload, inquiries and employment plunging.This throws into question how focused the Government is on saving jobs in the construction industry.If saving jobs is top of the agenda it should think a lot more about ...

  • Comment

    Did monthly new orders really hit an all time record low in November 2008?


    I have been seeing a lot of "worst ever" and "worst since at least" stories about the November new orders figures.I am conscious that so many statistics are being thrown around at the moment that it is confusing. And there is enough distress out there as it is.So I thought ...

  • The very depths of holl

    The very depths of holl…


    David Boyes from Davis Langdon took this photo of safety precautions in Huddersfield. We’re intrigued – just how deep is this “holl”?

  • News

    Detox issue: January 2009


    One thing that is definitely going to survive the credit crunch is the drive to cut the UKs carbon emissions 80% by 2050. So welcome to a world of whirling propellers, humming reactors, tourniquet-tight regulation and energy certificates scattered like confetti over the built environment. Our ...

  • News

    Specifier 16 January 2009


  • Designs by Cuban artist Carlos Garaicoa, incorporate Castleford’s Roman ruins, a library, a meeting space, and an observatory

    Cubans in Castleford


    Designs for a “conceptual” cultural centre for a West Yorkshire town have gone on show as part of its regeneration plans

  • News

    Planning applications: December 2008


    Residential schemes at planning stage hold steady and some very big projects are in the pipeline

  • S-class Mercedes

    My digital life:Kai Midgl


    What is your favourite website? because I like weekends away and I use it a lot for getting flights and deals on hotel rooms

  • Hansom

    Ding dongs merrily on high


    The season of goodwill to all men is well and truly over and it’s back to the usual name-calling, back-stabbing and top-level fist-fighting. A sigh of relief all round, then…

  • David Mann

    Wonders & blunders


    David Mann tells a tale of two shopping malls, one in the friendly North, the other in the grim South

  • Arndale

    Fancy a brew?


    Hugh Wilson and Lewis Womersley’s design for the Arndale was begun in 1972 and when it was completed in 1979 it was the largest covered town shopping centre in Europe, attracting 750,000 shoppers a week

  • Westfield Centre in west London

    Do I know you?


    The £1.6bn, 150,000m2 Westfield Centre in west London was opened on 30 October 2008

  • Comment

    The first rays of hope for Germany


    Reaping the whirlwind

  • But you can’t see the school site from here …

    You’re part of the problem


    “BSF Schools: Why is it so difficult?” was the web headline of an article in your 9 January issue.

  • Comment

    Hurrah for eco-towns!


    It would be surprising if developments of the scale of new towns were not the subject of debate and controversy, but your article on eco-towns (19 December, page 19) fails to do justice to the scale of the ambition behind the programme.

  • Comment

    Payup time


    We have recently completed the fit-out of the offices of Maidstone council’s “one-stop-shop”, and were genuinely pleased to have our invoice for the architectural work paid in just 15 days

  • Comment

    Why can’t we get along?


    I know Tony Bingham likes being controversial, but in his article “Get a truck load of this” (12 December, page 48) he really has overdone it

  • News

    Bovis Homes plans more redundancies


    Bovis Homes has announced that it is planning to cut another 160 jobs.