More news – Page 2650

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    Forever bursting bubbles


    I was interested to read Gideon Amos’ latest defence of the government’s eco-towns programme (16 January, page 30). However, I fear history will view this initiative as being merely the froth on the top of the last housing market bubble: not amounting to much now that the bubble has burst

  • An eco-town in Freiburg, Germany. Will the UK’s programme ever make it this far or will it be remembered as ‘the froth on the top of the last housing market bubble’?

    The passiv approach


    There is always so much we can achieve by “doing the simple things well” – it’s a widely used sentiment and it’s nearly always true

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    An even-handed approach


    The article Sheep vs Grass (16 January, page 42) was a lovely idea, and a simple, clear list of green duds and gems would be great.

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    Parental concern


    Nick Raynsford (16 January, page 30) you says he is upset with “misleading and pejorative media coverage”. I suspect that most of the upset is with “media coverage” of any kind. The John Roan proposition is flawed and coverage simply exposes the things that you (my MP) and Greenwich council ...

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    A little local thinking


    The item concerning MPs’ call to local authorities to make better use of planning agreements to secure jobs for local people (23 January, page 23) may run into problems

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    Pep talk


    Everyone is looking to cut costs. My advice for folks in whatever profession, employed or self-employed, is to show some initiative and motivation around the workplace

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    The rules of the crane


    The subject of crane safety has been under debate for too many years. I firmly believe the root cause of all the incidents is the lack of planning, monitoring and control

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    I hope Spring’s eternal …


    Building has long been distinguished both for the level of its architectural criticism and for the number of its good architectural contributors

  • Features

    Bilbao's boat-inspired visitor centre: images


    Mikel Landa liked the kayak he made so much that he decided to use the same form of construction when he built a visitor centre for the Añana salt valley in northern Spain

  • Chris Shirley, guest editor

    Our agenda


    The recession is not without its fringe benefits. I, for one, have pounced on the opportunity to stop my children’s pocket money (even as I type these words they are combing west London in search of work, and the lessons learned will no doubt prove as important as schoolwork).

  • News

    Prison service looks to cut procurement costs 20%


    The prison service is reviewing its procurement strategy and restructuring the senior team behind its £2.3bn building programme in a bid to cut costs, it has emerged

  • 10,800-home Barking Riverside scheme

    First ripples at the Riverside


    The team planning to build the 10,800-home Barking Riverside scheme in east London has submitted three planning applications for the first 4,000

  • Nick Raynsford

    MPs launch all-party group to promote green homes


    More than 50 MPs have joined an all party parliamentary group (APPG) formed to promote low-carbon housing

  • The £225m development will include an African-themed dome for animals

    Chester zoo: A little bit wild


    Plans to build the largest conservation attraction in Europe were launched this week at Chester zoo

  • News

    Cable searches for housing remedies


    Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat’s Treasury spokesperson, will be meeting senior executives from volume housebuilders over the next two weeks to devise alternatives to the government’s rescue package for the industry

  • News

    Cabe explores dedicated design review panel for London


    Cabe is considering setting up a dedicated regional design review panel for London

  • Rem Koolhaas’ Office of Metropolitan Architecture came ahead of 135 others to win a competition to design a performing arts centre

    Koolhaas takes on Taiwan


    Rem Koolhaas’ Office of Metropolitan Architecture came ahead of 135 others to win a competition to design a performing arts centre in Taipei

  • The new ward is a two-storey building with a reinforced concrete frame, brick cladding and a timber and corrugated iron roof

    A real life saver: Unicef's Malawi hospital


    Unicef doesn’t usually spend money on buildings, but when the Alliance Ball raised £400k for its cause, an exception was made for this children’s hospital in Malawi. Thomas Lane found out what happened next

  • Features

    Working life: Life after redundancy


    Kristina Smith meets three people who reinvented themselves after being made redundant (and found it far less painful than Martin Haake’s illustration would suggest)

  • Kevin Hard

    Hard’s Time: a specialist going strong


    One man definitely not looking to reinvent himself is Kevin Hard – his four-man specialist contracting outfit is still managing to double turnover every six months