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  • Features

    Composite panels


    Kingspan Insulated Panels has added the KS1000 LV Louvre and KS1000 CW CurveWall to its architectural wall panel range

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    Ucatt and ConstructionSkills clash over apprenticeships


    Apprenticeship Week marred by union claim that part-time training will ‘undermine government efforts’

  • News

    Bovis won’t have monopoly on Olympic village


    Lend Lease has opened a tendering process for the £900m Olympic village that could result in the main rivals to subsidiary Bovis Lend Lease capturing a large amount of the work

  • News

    Land Secs refuses to pay Crossrail tax on Walkie-Talkie


    Anger grows over London mayor’s ‘bully boy’ tactics as developer decides against ‘£1.45m contribution’

  • Iberê Camargo Foundation headquarters in Porto Alegre, Brazil

    Siza takes RIBA gold medal and predicts new golden age


    Renowned Portuguese architect says downturn will end ‘consumerist’ building design

  • Comment

    Don't be fooled by contractors' reports of healthy profits


    I am becoming a bit discomforted by persistent misplaced chirpiness. I keep reading and hearing things that tell me "it's not all bad in the construction sector".Fair enough, the construction sector is never "all bad". Come hell or high water I can find plenty of good things even in its ...

  • News



    Stuart Clark of DBK Group took this cold snap balancing act from his office window in Birmingham. He notes: “Obviously the skip with the layer of quilted insulation will act as a cushion should he fall.”

  • News

    Specifier 27 February 2009


  • Watermark Place, City of London

    Underground, overground: the ICE award winners


    From tunnels under the Thames to tree-top walks in Kew, London was the scene of some impressive feats of civil engineering in 2008. Yesterday, the ICE celebrated the best of them

  • l’Institute du Monde Arab in Paris, by NJSR Architects’ Ian Bramham

    Building on Flickr


    Astrid Kogler, deputy art editor, calls this picture by NJSR Architects’ Ian Bramham of l’Institute du Monde Arab in Paris a “beautifully composed, a truly sophisticated shot

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    Short and Tweet


    Dispatches from the Twitter social networking tool …

  • The Night Garden

    My digital: life Michael Parkinson


    What’s your favourite site?

  • Riches beyond the dreams of avarice: Dubai’s Shangri-La hotel was finished before the slowdown

    The world construction outlook


    In the old days, before the world banking meltdown, firms looked abroad for expansion opportunities. These days they are economic migrants. Davis Langdon looks at the best places to flee

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    Stace buys a pint … for Building


    It’s Tuesday afternoon, and I’m outside the Flying Horse as dusk falls wondering where all these old men in beige overcoats have come from

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    Journey’s end


    A melancholy tale of thwarted hope this week, for a travelling bank manager, Gulf ex-workers in search of liquid comfort and the poor Yorkshire lass who’s taken a fancy to my prose

  • News

    Housing stats: New-build sales and completions in January 2009


    The future may still look grim for housebuilding, but sales were slightly higher than in December

  • Comment

    By the people, for the people


    The verdict of “very simplistic” by Stroud MP David Drew on the Homes and Communities Agency’s handling of the Cashes Green Community Land Trust (CLT) proposal seems fair (13 February, page 23)

  • Graduated with honours Berman Guedes Stretton and Price & Myers’ recent alterations to Queen’s College met with the dons’ approval

    Judgment, not luck


    Building’s article on the complex alterations being carried out at Queen’s College in Oxford (6 February, page 40) makes for some interesting reading but unfortunately is inaccurate in parts

  • Comment

    School rules must be obeyed


    As an acoustic consultant specialising in education, your article on new schools failing to meet acoustic standards (13 February, came as no surprise. That’s because BB93, the building regulation governing schools, is majorly flawed

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    Languishing in L


    Regretfully I wholeheartedly agree with the statement that Part L is not being enforced. Moreover, it is generally not understood and often ignored