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    Ready money


    There are still chances out there to make big bucks, it seems, from trillion-dollar salaries to a sure thing on the racetrack. But if nothing works out, you can always drown your sorrows in a roomful of gin

  • News

    Are we nearly there yet?


    In the week of building’s survival issue, six industry experts tell Tom Bill how to spot signs of recovery – and when we should start looking

  • Terminal 4 at Madrid Barajas airport

    Wonders & blunders


    Prue Leith’s spirit is uplifted by the billowing roof and sense of fun in Richard Rogers’ airport terminal in Madrid. But Oxford’s John Radcliffe hospital makes her sick

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    My digital life: Adrian Malone


    This week

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    Websites that might help you to get through this sticky patch

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    Your solution is the problem


    A good way to enrage someone who’s in trouble is to offer to help, then stamp on their foot … which is what the government has done to those working on education schemes

  • Blue sky thinking The Titus Salt School by Anshen + Allen escaped Cabe’s broad thrashing of Building Schools for the Future designs

    Refuting all charges


    Caroline Buckingham (13 March, page 36) accuses Cabe’s schools design panel of not giving fair assessments to designs for Building Schools for the Future (BSF)

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    Think again


    An open letter to heads of schools

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    What troubled waters?


    Your report “RIBA in turmoil as faction presses for ‘radical change’” (27 March, page 13) is a surprising appearance of fantasy journalism in an otherwise excellent magazine

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    All change


    Let’s not be naive. Consulting on ways to improve the energy performance of existing buildings is essential in identifying practical solutions in the fight against climate change (“Energy junkies”, 20 March, page 35)

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    Can you help?


    In December 2003, my son Sebastian launched a campaign to fundraise for a purpose-built facility that would provide much-needed respite for families with seriously ill children

  • Features

    Peter Mandelson: survival specialist


    Few politicians know more about making it through tough times than Peter Mandelson. Now it’s his job to help Britain’s businesses do the same

  • Denise Chevin

    A horror story


    But what really infuriated the colleges and their teams is that the organisation continued to push them to spend their own money on projects that were effectively doomed

  • Tony Bingham

    It's a jungle out there: How to survive the recession


    What with battling the birds of prey and the ravenous alligators – not to mention the swine with the money – you may have picked up more survival skills than you realise

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    Before you jet off: Contracting abroad


    If you’re thinking of heading abroad to find work, make sure you read through this list of tips so you don’t find yourself in trouble over a contract

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    You'll never walk alone: Representing yourself


    If your recessed budget doesn’t stretch to legal fees and you decide to represent yourself, you should at least go in armed with these expert tips …

  • Money matters

    Cut costs, not jobs: Lower HR costs without redundancies


    Tempting to reach for the P45s when your business is suffering, isn’t it? But the wisest companies are finding alternative ways of reducing costs …

  • Features

    Markets: your best bets


    The recession is long, resources are short and bidding is always a gamble. So which sectors should you have a punt on? Sarah Richardson and Emily Wright run an eye over the runners and riders

  • Tate Modern pyramid

    The Tate is great


    Herzog & de Meuron’s extension to the Tate Modern has been given the green light by Southwark council

  • News

    Firms may be cut from key prisons framework


    Firms hoping to secure a slice of the government’s £2.3bn prison-building programme have been dealt a blow after it emerged that the Ministry of Justice may reduce the number of suppliers on its framework