More news – Page 2554

  • Boris Johnson

    Boris Johnson assessed: one year on


    After his election last May, many people had difficulty seeing Boris Johnson as a credible mayor. Now he’s had a chance to do his stuff, has anyone changed their mind?

  • News

    Citywatch: Because you’re worth it


    Now the December year-end contractors have revealed what their bosses took home last year, we can take a snapshot of who earned what in 2008 and how good they were for their money

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    Number of firms in ‘critical financial distress’ leaps by 126%


    The number of construction companies in critical financial distress increased 126% over the past year, according to corporate recovery specialist Begbies Traynor

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    Aukett issues profit warning


    Architect Aukett Fitzroy Robinson has issued a profit warning after being hit by retrospective fee cuts in the Middle East

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    Persimmon remains cautious despite positive start to year


    Persimmon has said house prices and profit margins remain under pressure despite a promising start to 2009

  • Nick Raynsford

    A tricky hand well played


    Darling’s Budget was about as good as it could have been under the circumstances – but the real challenges are only just beginning

  • Comment

    Building buys a pint … for the Anyjob team


    It has taken two-and-a-half pints, but we are finally off the subject of mackerel fishing in Cornwall. Cue a collective sigh of relief as, after a slow start, the chat hots up

  • Comment



    We bring you tales of strange transformations this week as the industry tries alchemy, women turn into angels, rich people lose vast sums of money and Building’s front cover is vandalised by a reader

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    Doncaster’s cultural 25%: Civic and cultural quarter


    Muse Developments, the regeneration arm of Morgan Sindall, has won a £300m contract to build a civic and cultural quarter in Doncaster

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    Cabe report into social housing design attacked as ‘unfair’


    A housing association and a developer have hit out at a report that found social housing to be no better designed than private homes

  • Toby Lloyd (left) and Anthony Brand

    It could have been a lot worse


    The housing industry was on tenterhooks before the Budget, hoping for a solution to all its woes. Well, we didn’t quite get that, say Toby Lloyd and Anthony Brand, but it’s a start …

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    Planning on the rise


    Planning applications were at their highest level last month since September – 47,349 in England, Scotland and Wales, up from a low of 34,876 in December

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    Retail inquiry


    The communities select committee is holding an inquiry into plans to allow out-of-town retail parks to be built based on their impact rather than need

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    Cumbria leaders


    Murray Easton, formerly of BAE Systems, is to chair the board of Cumbria’s Barrow Vision scheme

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    Westminster homes


    London’s Westminster council has announced plans to build 500 homes in the borough on brownfield sites

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    Right to buy ditched


    The Scottish government has announced plans to end the right-to-buy policy for tenants in new-build council stock in the country

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    The new Corgi


    The Tenant Services Authority has reminded housing associations to ensure their gas safety engineers have signed the new register that replaced the Corgi system this month.

  • Comment

    Too little, too late


    With reference to your article on the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) funding situation (3 April, page 24), it should also be pointed out that an aspect that contributed greatly to the overspend on many colleges was the LSC’s decision in the summer of 2004 to not approve funding for ...

  • Contempt of courts: was the Wimbledon media centre project destined to end in legal action?

    We fight the law …


    Reading the story in Building on 9 April (BDP faces £4.6m claim over Wimbledon media centre), I was disappointed, but sadly not surprised, to see yet another high-profile court case involving latent defects

  • Comment

    We fight the law and the law wins


    I was pleased to read James Bessey’s article (How to look good in public, 9 April, page 47)