More news – Page 2547

  • Tony Bingham

    Cold comfort: Paying damages to a firm in the red


    It’s a chilling situation indeed to find yourself forced to pay hefty damages to a firm so far in the red that it’s positively crimson. Camden council can tell you all about it

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    Farming today: The logistics of building wind farms


    Developers might be keen to jump on the renewable energy bandwagon but building a wind farm has its own logistical, commercial and legal challenges

  • 6 Burlington Gardens in Piccadilly

    Wonders & blunders


    Charles Saumarez Smith simply adores the Royal Academy’s Burlington Gardens building, but abhors Battersea’s design desert

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    Accidents will happen


    Spare a thought for those singled out by fate for special treatment, like the chairman who lost his bag, the woman who preferred injury to dishonour … and the union man who invented a new way to protest

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    What would Taiichi Ohno do?


    As the Japanese say, waste is futility and failure. But, in the form of overconsumption, it has also been the bedrock of our industrialised economies. Here’s how we can do without it

  • News

    Short and tweet: 08 May 09


    Dispatches from the Twitter social networking site:

  • Manchester United’s official site

    My digital life: Michael Ankers


    Do you prefer email or letter and why?

  • News

    Citywatch: A whimper not a bang


    Last Thursday morning, the final piece of the Taylor Wimpey refinancing jigsaw fell quietly into place

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    Hot property


    A London housing association has obtained planning permission for 26 affordable homes in Peckham, south London

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    Boris Johnson set to clash with government over ‘garden grab’


    Moves to protect gardens from development will set the mayor of London on a collision course with central government, according to the Royal Town Planning Institute

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    Kier council win


    Kier has been named preferred bidder for a contract in the north-east of England that could be worth more than £600m

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    Zero-carb confusion


    The building industry underestimates the difficulty of building zero-carbon homes by 2016, a survey has found

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    Modular eco-home


    Viridis Homes last week launched a modular house that it says is the first of its kind to reach level five of the Code for Sustainable Homes and can be built for just under £82,000.

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    Shiny new Sheffield


    Contractor Lovell will carry out a £4.3m modernisation scheme in Sheffield

  • Tesco is tough alright, but it’s also systematic and fair

    Why Tesco is a good client


    When prices are falling so quickly, owing to lack of workload and competition to secure projects, it is disingenuous to hear clients such as Tesco being criticised for taking advantage of their position

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    Spitting in the wind


    What options are we exploring, apart from wind farms, as alternative energy sources?

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    Looking on the bright side …


    That an industry in recession has managed to retain almost 700 apprentices who were at risk of not being able to complete their training is a significant success – which was sadly not reflected in your recent feature (“Displaced persons”, 24 April, page 24) which chose to focus on trainees ...

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    Korea advice


    Alistair Darling’s Budget announcement of £405m for “energy efficiency” spending is peanuts (24 April, page 12)

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    Dubai’s secret shame


    The plight of a significant number of Dubai’s migrant workers from the Indian subcontinent is appalling

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    British jobs for team players


    Regarding Nick Chronias’ article on equal opportunities (“Lip service won’t do”, 24 April, page 52), what a lot of waffle to say that we should all uphold the law