More news – Page 2527

  • Rob Annable

    Rob Annable at Sustainability Now


    Phil Clark interviews Rob Annable about Axis Design Architects' Ecoterrace project

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    Why nobody wants to buy


    Tumbling fees, dwindling workloads and payment periods stretching beyond the horizon. In the last recession this led to a frenzy of mergers and acquisitions. This time, it's different.According to a report by researcher Corpfin, corporate activity in the first quarter of this year has ground to a virtual halt. There ...

  • News

    Top five reader comments: 29 May


    Today, Tom blames the end-user, and Beamfloat knocks new-build housing

  • News

    The more, the merrier


    Our thanks, and a large drink or two, are owed to Ian Harris from Middlesex, who sent in this photo of overmanning in the construction industry

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    Short and tweet: Bob Leung


    Dispatches from the Twitter social networking site: Bob Leung is the co-founder of Woobius, the collaboration hub for architects and engineers and a partner at Make Architects

  • Ashes to Ashes

    My digital life: Robin Copeland


    What’s your favourite website?

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    Building buys a pint … for Penson Group


    “I’m claustrophobic ,” announces Lee Penson, founder of architectural practice Penson Group

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    Unequal combat


    Small Scottish firm vs Zaha, local resident vs Nick Candy, pensioner vs planners, man vs wife: this week proves that sometimes, just sometimes, the underdog comes out on top

  • Greg Fitzgerald

    Empty shelves


    Greg Fitzgerald explains why the chances to buy other firms are few and far between

  • Houses

    BPF urges councils to be creative in regeneration funding


    Councils should look at building homes or shops above schools to make regeneration schemes viable, a property lobby group has said

  • News

    Mortgage snub


    Banks will turn away £1bn of mortgage applications for shared ownership homes as they regard them as sub-prime

  • News

    House starts rise


    The communities department says house starts for the first quarter of the year rose 13% on the previous quarter

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    Lovell’s £5m score


    Lovell is to build 37 homes for rent and shared ownership for Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association

  • Comment

    A matter of consequence


    The idea of improving the existing housing stock has been debated and analysed for many years now, especially in the information, advice and guidance for Part L (15 May, page 9)

  • Conservatory owners: the scourge of Scottish building control officers

    The conservatory con


    It’s good news that the regulations are becoming more onerous in England. However, in Scotland we have had minimum U-values for conservatories for some time

  • Comment

    Answering Mr Arrowsmith


    As stated in your recent article “Betrayal of trust” (15 May, page 34), NICEIC does have some sympathy with Mr Arrowsmith’s situation

  • Comment

    The key to the code


    “The problem is that we are making it up as we go along” (leader, 22 May, page 3)

  • Comment

    But they won’t do VAT


    I completely agree with your leader on 13 March that the government should have taken the cue from the EU and cut VAT on maintenance and refurbishment to 5% in the last budget

  • The two arches that support the roof have a span of a quarter of a mile

    Supersize me: HKS' Dallas Cowboys stadium


    The sheer scale of HKS’ stadium for the Dallas Cowboys kicks Wembley’s arch and Wimbledon’s retractable roof into touch

  • Stephen Stone

    Stone Alone: Crest Nicholson's boss on surviving a crisis


    Crest Nicholson was knocked sideways by the disintegration of the housing market and the failure of the global banking system, and for 10 months chief executive Stephen Stone shouldered the weight of a collapsing company. Tom Bill found out what it took to keep smiling