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  • Martin Playford

    Wonders & blunders


    Martin Playford revisits two grand schemes from the seventies, one a gleaming symbol of the might of the City, the other a sad leftover from a best-forgotten motorway project

  • News

    Citywatch: Wishful thinking


    There were two pieces of good news for housebuilders this week; the Nationwide building society said house prices rose 1.2% in May and there was some encouraging purchasing data

  • News

    Profit up 8% at May Gurney


    Infrastructure services specialist May Gurney has restructured its business following a successful year in which turnover grew 8% to £470.3m

  • News

    GB Building director quits to join risk consultancy


    Jason Farnell has left his job as commercial director of GB Building Solutions to become a partner in risk management consultancy CR Management

  • News

    Industry 'out of intensive care unit' as rate of decline slows


    The recession in the construction industry eased in May, according to data from the Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply

  • Housing

    Local Housing Companies stall amid public debt fears


    All 14 trial joint ventures delayed, owing to market conditions and row over council balance sheets

  • News

    Dytor launches company to take on recession-hit schemes


    Regeneration entrepreneur Ken Dytor is starting a company to rework developments held up by the recession

  • Plans for a £1.5m square in Birmingham have been unveiled by the city council

    A real gem


    Plans for a £1.5m square in Birmingham have been unveiled by the city council

  • Yolande Barnes

    Forget all you think you know


    The first signs of increased demand may now be appearing. But any recovery isn’t going to be a return to how things were before. Yolande Barnes predicts a brave new world for housebuilding

  • News

    Small builders unfair


    A third of the 171 cases brought under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations have involved small domestic builders, according to the Office of Fair Trading.

  • News

    WAG reviews planning


    The Welsh assembly government has announced a review of the system for submitting planning applications

  • News

    London homes are sold


    Only 916 newly built homes are lying empty and unsold in London, according to research from property firm Savills

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    McCarthy buys site


    Retirement housebuilder McCarthy & Stone has bought a development site in Whitby for 22 houses

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    Density is up


    In 2008, nearly 80% of dwellings in England were built on previously developed land, with new dwellings built at an average density of 46 dwellings per hectare compared with 44 in 2007.

  • News

    NEM awarded £3.6m


    New East Manchester has been awarded £3.6m by North West Development Agency to pay for the preparation of the 3.3ha Crossley Works site in Openshaw for future redevelopment.

  • Features

    Council houses: return to a golden age?


    It’s not a lot, but the government has made £100m available for councils to start building homes again. So is this the start of a glorious return to a golden age?

  • Features

    Neighbours: Lovell and Tarmac on reaching code level four or above


    The house on the left aims to meet code level four, but next door they’ve got even loftier pretensions. Stephen Kennett reports on goings-on at a site in Nottingham

  • Design

    Automated design: checking the regs


    So you’ve squeezed every last minute and penny out of the construction process. But what about all the frustrating to-ing and fro-ing with the drawings? Stephen Kennett meets a man who thinks he has an answer to that

  • The Belgrade office market has shown rapid growth in the past five years

    Country focus: Serbia


    Serbia’s construction industry may not be racking up 20% growth any more, but it’s still hitting 9.5% and shows little sign of slipping into recession. Sasa Trajkovic of EC Harris marks your card

  • News

    Electrical accessories


    MK Electric, a maker of wiring devices and electrical accessories, has introduced a new range of multi-media devices designed to provide a complete solution for all residential television, radio and audio needs