More news – Page 2500

  • Hospital

    NHS to enforce 30-day payments


    Contractors looking to win a place on Procure 21+, the NHS’ revised major scheme framework, must undertake to pay subcontractors within 30 days

  • News

    Olympic bosses plan big future for 2012 stadium


    Legacy body to reverse decision to cut capacity to 25,000 in favour of creating ‘living stadium’

  • Crane

    Operators demand expansion of crane safety register


    Trade body calls for inclusion of ‘more accident-prone’ mobile and crawler cranes on HSE list

  • Solar panels

    Government U-turn on Part L provokes industry fury


    Plan to force homeowners to include eco measures in home improvements dropped at last minute

  • Steven Morgan, BAA

    BAA seeks bids from non-construction firms


    BAA is to invite bids for major projects from companies outside the construction industry as part of a wide-ranging overhaul of its procurement system

  • Dubai

    Oil price revival sparks talk of recovery in UAE


    Market watchers predict less flamboyant future for country as business recovers slowly

  • Comment

    Global forecasts getting less dreary, but looming black cloud of government debt


    With all the talk about increasing signs of economic “green shoots” in recent months, it was perhaps too easy to suddenly relax and think that the good times are just around the corner.The OECD’s Economic Outlook published this week provided a much more sober picture of recovery prospects and was ...

  • Comment

    Is partnering dead?


    “It took 12 years to put together and 12 weeks to dismantle.” That was one of the more wry comments on BAA’s decision to turn its back on framework agreements for a good chunk of its work.The decision was taken by Steven Morgan, the man brought in by the airport ...

  • Comment

    Pidgley hands over keys to kingdom if not the crown


    Around eighty bankers, analysts and lawyers squashed into a meeting room at UBS this morning to hear Tony Pidgley's swansong as managing director of Berkeley.Despite speaking for 45 minutes there was still enough energy in the room for a round of applause at the end. "It's been a while ...

  • Hansom

    Hansom: Songs of love and hate


    In the nice corner this week we have wine-waiting estate agents, relatively honest MPs, optimistic housebuilders and self-critical contractors … and in the nasty corner: Cliff Jones of Procure 21

  • Comment

    My digital life: Paul Clerkin


    What is your favourite meeting place?

  • Comment

    A royal response


    In response to your article “Prince Charles given say in major London schemes” (19 June, page 9), I would like to point out that the Prince of Wales is not routinely contacted by property developers seeking his opinions or his approval on major projects in London, or elsewhere for that ...

  • Comment

    What really happened...


    I write with reference to your story “Rogers turned back on project role after design was scrapped” (12 June). This is factually incorrect and I am writing to clarify our position

  • Comment

    Material concerns


    Robert Adam (12 June, page 34) makes a distinction between my reference to architectural style and the use of traditional building materials. Surely he must know the two are closely associated

  • Nicholas Xenakis, who has a great future with the Libyan tourist board, caught one of these chaps after work...

    Lobsters in Libya


    I was in Libya (12 June, page 38) during the early eighties with RMJM

  • Comment

    Two steps backwards


    One sign of greatness is being able to admit to mistakes and learn from them. It seems that construction cannot or will not learn from past failings and is about to return to single-stage tendering and confrontational relationships (12 June, page 29)

  • Comment

    The unfairness of frameworks


    Our prequalification questionnaire for the East Midlands (SCAPE) Framework, Minor Works £10,000-500,000 Derbyshire Sub-region, didn’t pass muster

  • Getting Channel Five in Turkey

    Getting Channel Five in Turkey


    Paul Mountford was relaxing at his hotel in the resort of Icmeler, when he spotted these men playing the ancient Turkish sport of giant frisbee. Hmm, on second thoughts, they might just be putting up a large satellite dish...

  • Philip Dilley, the new chairman of Arup

    The bridge builder: Arup's new chairman Philip Dilley


    Philip Dilley, the new chairman of Arup, has to span the hole that the recession has left in the firm’s order book – while maintaining its singular approach and outlook

  • Features

    Captain Uranium: how to get into nuclear


    Billions are going to be spent on nuclear power stations in the next 10 years, assuming, that is, we can find 33,000 recruits in a hurry. Which is where you come in...