More news – Page 2438

  • Cottesbrooke school

    Wonders & blunders with Estelle Morris


    Estelle Morris gives top marks to a much-improved Birmingham primary school, but thinks the designers of the Institute of Education deserve a ticking off

  • Bourneville college in Birmingham was one of just 12 further education schemes to get the go-ahead last week. Other colleges are being forced to look for new ways of funding their projects

    Schools funding: adding up for politicians


    Once the UK’s borrowing hits 12% of GDP, how much money will be available to build schools? Well, that depends on how the next government does its sums

  • Comment

    Hansom super-size this


    There’s nothing wrong with excess, whether taking a prodigious number of lunches or hundreds of trips abroad or lining your wall with mobile phones – but working at the weekend? That’s just too much

  • Features

    Canary contrary


    Boris Johnson, mayor of London, has used his powers to determine a planning application in the capital for the first time

  • News

    HCA set to take stake in affordable housing schemes


    Move follows public spat between London mayor and communities department over investment policy

  • News

    130 contractors sign up to build housing on public land


    More than 130 contractors have applied to build homes under the Homes and Communities Agency’s public land initiative

  • Comment

    Getting the message across


    I have sympathy with much of the sentiment in Tony Bingham’s article on cover pricing (28 August, page 42)

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    The root of the problem


    I am writing in regard to your article “Giant fly swats could suck up motorway fumes” (27 August)

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    Fighting solves nothing


    Much has been said and written recently on the expressed intention of some employers, in both the public and private sectors, to abandon framework agreements in favour of lowest price

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    A better way


    I was very interested to read the framework discussion between Don Ward and Stan Hornagold (7 August, page 32)

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    Nobody’s perfect


    Arguments against frameworks – here and elsewhere – seem to pick up on a few cases of bad procurement and apply these as true across all frameworks

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    Sad state of affairs


    With regards to the letter by KD Overment in your issue of 31 July (page 22), I have been involved in many projects for university buildings and find the attitude of the estates departments often depressing

  • Features

    Tim Byles: 'We're firing on all cylinders'


    There’s no doubt the pace has picked up since Tim Byles took over the running of the Building Schools for the Future programme. But with all the uncertainties of the economy and next year’s election, will he be able to keep up the momentum?

  • Comment

    ‘Valid’ doesn’t mean ‘true’: withholding payment


    A party that doesn’t want to pay another needs to issue a withholding notice with a reason why it’s not paying – but does this reason need to be reasonable?

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    How to pick a winner: adjudication


    Believe it or not, it can be tricky to decide whether you’ve won or lost a legal case. How come? Well here’s an illustration from the world of horse breeding

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    Trouble in the transfer market: TUPE regulations and frameworks


    Under TUPE regulations, staff are transferred from contractor to contractor depending on who is doing the work. But how does that function with frameworks?

  • News

    Tories to stick with pathfinder initiative


    The Tories have said they would continue to support regeneration schemes, including the housing market renewal pathfinder initiative, should they win the next election

  • Features

    KfW Banking HQ: Eco de Cologne


    The Anglo-German practice Sauerbruch Hutton has released images of its almost completed 38,000m2 extension for the KfW Banking headquarters in Cologne

  • News

    Kennedy Twaddle wins planning for New Cross hotel


    Architect Kennedy Twaddle has been granted planning permission for this 60-bedroom hotel next to Goldsmiths college In New Cross, south-east London

  • Thames Gateway

    Homes agency to review all Thames Gateway spending


    HCA to decide which schemes in regeneration area have ‘realistic chance of getting off the ground’