More news – Page 2322

  • Rules are rules, as any fool can see …

    Local concerns


    I was among the 150 residents evacuated because of the Camberwell fire on Wednesday morning

  • Comment

    A necessary expense


    Although I normally find your leader page of great interest, I must admit to some disappointment in the choice of words regarding the fire at Camberwell

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    A new plan


    To all my friends at the Royal Town Planning Institute: why are you doing nothing to aid unemployed planning graduates?

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    Push ahead


    I fully endorse the WWF’s call for every house in Scotland to be given free loft and wall insulation to help meet the targets for cutting carbon emissions laid down in the Climate Change (Scotland) Act

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    In praise of the RICS


    RICS is a prestigious body with a mark of professionalism the world over. To this end we should embrace the spirit of inclusiveness – which is the basis of globalisation and innovation

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    The home guard: Defective Premises Act


    The Defective Premises Act protects the owners and occupiers of dwellings against shoddy workmanship. A recent case will help ensure that those at fault do not escape liability

  • Tony Bingham

    The Scottish enlightenment: Expert determination vs arbitration


    What’s the difference between expert determination and arbitration? Is there a difference? Yes there is, and a Caledonian court spelled it out

  • Comment

    Nil desperandum: Fighting a firm in administration


    Andrew MacCuish and Steven Fennell What do you do if the company you are suing goes into administration? Well, actually, there are quite a few steps you should consider

  • Features

    Ice-bound island: coping with snow


    Britain’s experience of being Greenland looks like it may be over for now, but it’s left a lot of people out of pocket, and even more wondering how to prepare for next time …

  • News

    Both sides of the tracks: Grimshaw's Newport station


    This is a first look at architect Grimshaw’s design for Newport station in Wales, created in association with Atkins

  • News

    Leicester PFI hospital claim reaches £28m


    The consortium on the scrapped £711m Leicestershire hospital PFI scheme is claiming £27.8m in compensation, court documents have revealed

  • Handshake

    BAM scoops two transport deals worth £239m


    BAM Nuttall has won two transport deals worth almost a quarter of a billion pounds since the start of the year, Building understands

  • News

    Greenacre under fire


    Greenacre Homes, the south London developer whose site went up in flames in Camberwell last week, was served a prohibition notice by the Health and Safety Executive for fire safety breaches last June, it has emerged

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    The floating isle of Physalia: Floating eco-garden


    French architect Vincent Callebaut has designed a whale-shaped floating garden to drift up the Thames while purifying its waters

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    Pop art: Elton John's private gallery completes


    Sir Elton John’s private art gallery at his estate in Windsor, Berkshire, was completed last month

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    Job cuts expected as Balfour restructures groundworks arm


    The groundworks arm of Balfour Beatty, which employs more than 500 people, is to be restructured, with redundancies a likely result

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    Counting the price of more work


    The latest forecasts suggest the drop in future workload will not be as large as forecasters had previously thought. Fantastic news, you might think. Well, think again

  • News

    Rise in insolvencies predicted


    Insolvency specialist Begbies Traynor predicts “serious problems” for construction in 2010

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    Infrastructure bank on the cards


    The government body set up last month to deal with the UK’s £400m infrastructure backlog is considering the idea of setting up a bank specifically to fund projects

  • News

    Energy bill rise feared


    Energy bills could rise 50% after the Carbon Reduction Commitment scheme begins, according to Cyril Sweett