More news – Page 2302

  • Dubai's O14

    Tenants move in to Dubai's O14


    HH's 22-storey commercial building is one of first to be occupied in Business Bay district

  • Comment

    Government burglars


    As Brian Green points out in his column on drumming up work, the government has pretty much kept the industry in business during the recession. About 40% of construction work undertaken in Britain is bought by the taxpayer, compared with 31% in the days when Northern Rock was just a ...

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    Bulls in the housing futures market turn sheepish


    There has been a sharp change of mood among the traders of housing futures who punt large sums on the level of house prices at given years ahead.Traders had turned bullish last autumn and even at the end of the year the Tradition Future HPI was showing a projected ...

  • News

    Makes you shiver


    Nick Roarty snapped this “pair of clowns” near the Barbican in the City of London in the act of installing signage from a ladder stationed on top of their van

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    My digital life: Ray McAuley


    What are you listening to?

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    The little Ceausescus


    When it comes to making changes to listed buildings, planners and conservation authorities are often unhelpful, ill-informed, and obstructive to the point of malice

  • Tony Bingham

    A cock and ball story


    Tony Bingham If your little mistake turns out to be a massive mistake because of my little mistake, can you be made to pay the whole of the bill? Over to the Court of Appeal …

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    The job’s in the blag


    Guy Guinan As competition for jobs gets tougher, more candidates are embellishing their CVs. But it’s the employer who’ll be for the high jump if one of them subsequently messes up

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    The road to recovery


    Jeff Brown Here’s some good news for firms that are pursuing claims against insolvent defendants: a new bill should make it easier for you to get your money …

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    What problems with housing?


    It was good to see some reflection in last week’s issue on the state of housing quality (22 January, page 20)

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    These problems with housing


    The recent problems with the Homes and Communities Agency’s Kickstart programme highlight an uncomfortable truth: many of the new homes being built in the UK aren’t good enough

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    These problems with Kickstart


    Homebuyers quite rightly are the best judges of private housing quality

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    Return to sender


    Last week’s story on Concentra said incorrectly that Durkan Holdings sold its 51% stake in Durkan Pudelek to Gombe Holdings

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    Ditch the old buildings …


    In response to “Morrell: Older buildings must be torn down” (, 25 January): not only were many sixties and seventies public buildings constructed with minimal resources, they were often planned to government handbooks that specified the maximum internal area that could not under any circumstances be exceeded

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    … and new ones, too


    Regarding Morrell’s views on older buildings: Immediate postwar construction can be equally shoddy

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    Dear Amanda …


    Amanda Levete’s 22 January column suggesting a committee of architects be put in charge of planning was discussed by the online community …

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    Hansom: The meaning of life


    As Monty Python so clearly showed, our worlds comprise just a few basic elements: learning, work, sex, war, recreation and wondering what on earth it’s all about anyway. And construction’s got the lot

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    A wiser course for busy fools


    When times are desperate, there’s a temptation to grab anything that might boost our turnover. The game now should be to prepare for the upturn and increase margins

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    Building buys a pint: Eckersley O’Callaghan


    We’re in the King’s Head in Islington, north London, on the day that Britain officially declared its deepest recession since the thirties over – by a whisker

  • Features

    The big squeeze: 5 taxes that could affect your business


    A special feature on small businesses’ struggle with bureaucracy begins with Roxane McMeeken’s look at five ways HM Revenue and Customs is squeezing more money out of its customers