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    Election uncertainty will stall housing market


    Jones Lang LaSalle says lack of clarity on Hips, public sector cuts and planning will put brake on housing recovery

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    Legal threat to surveyors drives down house prices


    Housebuilders say disputes over pre-recession valuations are slowing recovery

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    Industry demands Building Regs calculation details


    Construction professionals are calling for the communities department to publish the calculation methodology that will enable designers to meet the 2010 Building Regulations announced last week

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    Cyril Sweett snaps up Gleeds energy boss


    Consultant Cyril Sweett has signed up the boss of rival Gleeds’ energy division to lead a push into the nuclear sector, as competition for new-build and decommissioning work hots up

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    Up all night. And for what?


    I just got off the phone with a contact who was wandering aimlessly around London, trying to find somewhere to buy lunch. He sounded drunk. Or like he was on a concoction of extremely strong painkillers.“No, no I’m fine,” he replied when I expressed some concern over the fact he ...

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    Scenarios in a hung parliament


    Here are some possible scenarios in a hung parliament but first the certainties: Whoever wins, there is going to be a time of policy review which will result in many Government capital projects being delayed for a few months until priorities are resetOne of the first jobs for the new ...

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    Jack Pringle's election blog: How is the future shaping up?


    Fed up with the election hype, Jack's fled to France... but he can't resist keeping tabs on events

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    Election 2010: Dear prime minister...


    Sarah Richardson collects the industry’s messages to the new occupant of Number 10

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    Robert Bowles spotted these signs on what used to be a men’s toilet in Farringdon Street, London.

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    Leadbitter will refocus to combat public sector cuts


    Turnover rises to £337m as contractor plans to target mid-range hotel, food retail and affordable housing

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    Aldar reveals £55m first quarter loss as UAE slump continues


    Abu Dhabi developer Aldar Properties posted a £55m loss for the first quarter of the year in results that were worse than analysts’ forecasts.

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    Rok issues profit warning after poor maintenance performance


    Rok has issued a profit warning on the back of a weak performance by its maintenance and improvements division.

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    Careless talk


    I read with interest your recent article about how the growth of the UK economy is being hindered by a shrinking construction industry, (“Construction decline holds back UK economy”, 23 April, but I think that it gives the wrong – and worrying – message to our industry.

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    No love for Gove


    Did I imagine it or did Michael Gove, a columnist for Building magazine, have a go at the building industry on TV after the final leaders’ debate?

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    Unhappy as Larry


    I am an American who has been following the British 2010 election campaign closely on the internet. My biggest shock was finding out just how far left British politics has become.

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    In the light of your article “Labour cagey over gangmaster laws”, I wanted set out the Labour party’s position with regard to licensing labour providers in the construction industry.

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    Foresight, not short sight


    The only organisation that merits the description “short-sighted” is the Association for the Conservation of Energy, in its response to our view on the introduction of new Building Standards in Scotland later this year a move estimated by the Scottish government itself to add up to £8k on to the ...

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    A question of values


    We read about the sports hall at Dunraven school in Lambeth (26 March,) with surprise at how much someone is prepared to pay for a sports hall and amazement that you were heralding it as good value.

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    Young and foolish


    It is no surprise that Libeskind’s core following are students and children who understandably mistake glitz for quality (Daniel Libeskind’s Grand Canal Square theatre in Dublin, 28 April).

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    Will the QSs leave the RICS?


    Drama in Westminster is not confined to the politicians. In the corner of Parliament Square where the RICS resides, tension between the institution’s management and its QS members is at snapping point.