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  • News

    RICS set for showdown with ‘big eight’ QSs


    A group of the largest QS firms in the country will hold crunch talks with the RICS next month to discuss the profession’s grievances against the institution

  • News

    Top pay at Rogers halves to £1.2m


    The highest paid director at Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners had their remuneration cut by more than half last year as profit at the practice plunged

  • Comment

    The big question for Mr Shapps


    I would like to be among those welcoming Grant Shapps to his new role as housing minister and wishing him well. I must admit I have not been particularly kind to his ideas to date. It’s my job to be critical I guess.But for the record I do have a ...

  • News

    Helping hand


    Matthew Ramsden spotted this pair working closely together to paint a window frame. The question is not so much “So, how well do they know each other?” as “How did they do the top part of the house?”

  • Comment

    Gus Alexander: Prince Charles the wrecker


    As if dealing with planners for months on end wasn’t painful enough, we now have to calculate a last-minute intervention from a prince addicted to retro architecture

  • Quentin Shears

    Quentin Shears: The kingmaker


    ’The fresh croissants are, I feel, a big, open and comprehensive offer’

  • News

    Steel firms team up for nuclear work


    Two medium-sized structural steel contractors are creating a joint venture to compete for £250m of work in the nuclear power programme

  • News

    John Sisk aims for £300m turnover


    John Sisk & Son plans to almost double turnover to more than £300m this year after bagging £200m of work in the last six months of 2009

  • News

    Wates wins out as industry scrabbles for commercial work


    Business barometer Less than 10% of firm’s income came from commercial sector in April

  • Features

    Haiti: The road from ruin


    Roxane McMeeken reports on the reconstruction effort in Haiti, amid growing fears that the ad hoc approach to rebuilding could be doing as much harm as good

  • Features

    Nouvel takes Manhattan


    The French architect describes his 23-storey apartment block on the Lower West Side as a ‘vision machine’. Ike Ijeh tries to decipher what that means. Photos by Roland Halbe

  • Comment

    Hansom: Coming to my bash?


    Quarrels over ways of measuring embodied energy (no, really), communication breakdowns, last-ditch efforts to prevent desertion … oh, why can’t we just be Friends?

  • Comment

    Schools in danger


    While there are inevitable criticisms that can be levelled at Labour’s record, we recognise that architecture has generally done well under Labour

  • Comment

    In uncertain times


    I turned the TV off at 43 seats to be decided and after Nick Clegg announced he would not deal with Labour. I think we will all be voting again soon

  • Comment

    Politics or no politics


    Recovery? You wish. (“City warns hung parliament will delay construction recovery,” 7 May,

  • Comment

    Rebellion at the RICS?


    Readers left comments on the story “QSs threaten to quit RICS as row escalates” (7 May, page 9) at

  • Henry Trickey

    I'm lovin' it: Henry Trickey of McDonald


    Companies eager to expand in these famished times won’t be able to resist McDonald’s’ supersize diet of drive-thru restaurants and store makeovers. Emily Wright chews the fat with Henry Trickey, the man who’s serving them up

  • Comment

    Expert determination: A short cut through a swamp


    Plumping for expert determination to resolve a dispute may sound like a quick, cheap, hassle-free alternative to adjudication or litigation. But it ain’t necessarily so

  • Comment

    All things considered


    Adjudicators have it drummed into them that they should decide the dispute in the notice of adjudication. Here’s a case that shows there is some room for flexibility

  • Pascale Scheurer

    BSF is dead. So now what?


    Regardless of who won the election, Building Schools for the Future was doomed. But it can adapt into something new – and so can the architects that do it