More news – Page 2214

  • Features

    Scott Wilson goes it alone on road to recovery


    Chief executive Hugh Blackwood scotches sale rumours as he plans international strategy

  • News

    Seeing is believing


    Hopkins Architects’ 15,400m2 Hackney Service Centre has opened to the public

  • News

    Museum piece: Rick Marher Architects' Virginia gallery


    Rick Mather Architects has recently completed a major expansion and renovation of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and its 5.5ha campus in Richmond.

  • 2012 stadium4 sep08

    Latest construction appointments: 21 May 2010


    Norman Yardley becomes managing director of luxury brand Manor Kingdom, while Craig Brown becomes director of operations for Gladedale Timber Systems.

  • Comment

    Jack Pringle: Before the knife goes in


    The general election result has left construction at the mercy of a fragile political alliance, with cuts to public sector spending the only certainty. We have to fight our corner

  • Comment

    Building buys a pint for... Alumet systems


    “I’m thinking of going on holiday to Bangladesh,” remarks Dean as we get stuck into our first round of drinks

  • Comment

    Flipping ironic


    Oh the irony, in the wake of the expenses scandal, of an MP commenting about consultants “creaming off cash” (14 May, ).

  • Comment

    Taken for Granted


    I am concerned on behalf of the 400,000 homeless people in the UK, that the downgrading of this vital ministry from the Cabinet will result in little new action on behalf of the most vulnerable within our society (“Grant Shapps is housing minister”, 13 May,

  • Comment

    And so the cuts begin


    Well done Cameron – brilliant (“Billions of pounds of schools and health projects frozen,” 14 May, page 9).

  • Comment

    Building schools in the future


    Building schools in the future Speculation about what is going to happen after the election is unhelpful (14 May, page 3).

  • Comment

    Nothing new


    It’s interesting that the RICS has learned nothing from the past. I criticised the organisation years ago for not consulting its members or doing what was in the interests of its members (I resigned eventually after many attempts to influence failed) and it is still not doing what it should. ...

  • Sarah Richardson

    What’s going on?


    The coalition has stated that it will review spending commitments made since January using its own value for money criteria, and it’s obvious that the £55bn earmarked for schools renewal is not going to survive this process unscathed

  • Comment

    Private Code


    Congratulations to the OFT for withdrawing support for the Consumer Code.

  • Comment

    Elections? Who needs them


    Back issues special We had two other hung parliaments in the past hundred years. If the election of 1974 was bizarre by today’s standards, 1929 was truly surreal,

  • Features

    Beyond the pale: Renzo Piano's Central St Giles


    Controversial it may be, but Central St Giles has cheered up an obscure corner of London with a riot of reds, yellows, greens and oranges – making the rest of the capital look a tad grey.

  • The Foster + Partners designed hospital for Circle Healthcare is clad in bespoke aluminium shingles made by Gilmour combined with an off the shelf glazing system by Schuco. It was installed by Lakesmere

    Specialist costs: Building envelopes


    How to deliver high quality, cost-effective solutions

  • News

    First-time mortgages on the rise


    The value of mortgage loans for first-time buyers rose by a quarter from April to March, and is now up by more than half on the previous year

  • News

    Boss of RBS’ distressed land asset division departs


    Paul Aubrey, the man who headed RBS’ distressed land asset vehicle West Register, has left the bank

  • Phil Hutchinson

    A day at Moscow's OfficeNext conference


    Russia’s capital has experienced a recent boom, so it’s about time it had a commercial office exhibition to reflect the fact - BDG Workfutures’s Phil Hutchinson was there

  • News

    Brickonomics: Plummeting private housing completions


    It’s time for a reality check on just how bad the situation is