More news – Page 2203

  • Shard 226

    Steelwork repairs hamper Shard progress


    Mace’s deadline to build the Shard has come under renewed pressure after a key part of the 310m tall tower has had to be repaired

  • Commercial building

    Lend Lease prepares UK boardroom shake-up


    Dan Labbad is to stamp his authority on Lend Lease’s UK business with a major management restructure

  • News

    Housing market slowing, says Halifax


    Survey shows drop in house prices and 18% fall in sales compared to 2009

  • /m/x/m/BrickLargeBare0099_5_L.jpg

    BLP launches sustainability tool


    Software package is intended to simplify decision making at design stage

  • Construction site

    MoD prime contracts to be cut by £100m


    Defence Estates to slash expenditure by reducing construction work to essential maintenance

  • Thurrock Thames building

    Boyes Rees wins £3.5m Essex double


    Cardiff firm bags contracts to build Royal Mail delivery office and Territorial Army cadet centre

  • Terraced housing

    HCA told to work up proposals for slimmed-down future


    The Homes and Communities Agency has been told to work up a series of options for how it might be slimmed down to aid a ministerial decision about its future over the summer.

  • Electronics firm Siemens has unveiled plans for a £30m conference and exhibition centre in London’s Docklands

    The Siemens Pavilion: Going for green


    Electronics firm Siemens has unveiled plans for a £30m conference and exhibition centre in London’s Docklands, which should be ready for the 2012 Olympics

  • Simmons: planning permission can be used to improve housing stock

    Cabe to call for single tough housing benchmark


    Design quango wants standard, based on Building for Life, to be included in planning regulation

  • Silvertown Quays

    Bank of Scotland abandons plan to sue over Silvertown


    The bank which spent £60m and eight years working up plans for the £1.5bn development of Silvertown Quays in east London has withdrawn its threat to sue the London Development Agency over the termination of the scheme, Building understands.Two sources said Bank of Scotland, which had bankrolled developer SQL to ...

  • Construction city: Hong Kong and New York are the only cities in the world with more buildings than São Paulo

    Cracking Brazil


    It’s hosting the 2014 World Cup, and the 2016 Olympics, and has emerged from the credit crunch with barely a scratch. So why aren’t more UK firms working there?

  • Baqus’ Watford Health Campus is one scheme that is still going ahead

    Baqus issues profit warning as public spending ‘disappears’


    Listed QS Baqus has issued a profit warning as its public sector contracts dry up in the wake of the election

  • News

    Dubai property prices may fall 20%


    Increase in supply blamed for rising vacancy rates in Middle East

  • Where would you site a machine gun to defend this secondary school?

    Unfriendly fire


    I write in relation to Chris Ryan’s comments in Wonders & Blunders (28 May, page 32) on Thomas Deacon Academy, of which I am a director

  • Comment

    Reasoning with the RICS


    I note from last week’s issue (14 May, page 9) that you brought the QS Forum into what appears to be a growing row between the QS Professional Group within the RICS and the RICS itself. Your article asserts that the forum is set to hold “crunch talks” with RICS

  • Comment

    Save our stability


    Preliminary statistics for the first quarter of 2010 show the number of Scottish construction firms becoming insolvent has doubled compared both with the last three months of 2009 and the same quarter last year

  • Comment

    Lack of meritocracy


    I read with interest your article about work picking up in the South-east, particularly in the London region (, 20 May), but when I look at the range of jobs advertised, they appear to apply to surveyors or RICS-qualified people.I am wondering when I am going to get a job ...

  • Comment

    Crossrail solved


    Surely a small tax on the major users of Crossrail - the banks - would adequately fill the foreseen funding gap (, 28 May)

  • hazard sign

    Warning: Hazard sign


    It’s always good to hear from our American readers, so thanks to Dave Hermanson, vice president of Capital Power in Illinois

  • Building Answers

    Building Answers: 04 June 2010


    The Building Forum’s online discussion site includes a page where members can ask advice from fellow professionals. This latest is about non-payment.