More Interviews – Page 34

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    The Cole treatment


    John Cole has achieved what many thought impossible: well designed PFI hospitals. Now the procurement methods he pioneered in Northern Ireland look set to catch on over here.

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    The lifeguard


    With next month's government safety summit looming, all eyes are trained on the construction industry. So how does Suzannah Thursfield, director of health and safety at the Construction Confederation, intend to respond?

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    Wessex man


    Rab Bennetts' headquarters for Wessex Water set a new mark for low-energy buildings, but how can this standard become standard practice? Well, actually, it's perfectly simple …

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    King of the castle


    The energetic lawyer leading the £2bn regeneration of the unloved Elephant explains how it will be transformed.

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    The survivor


    Baroness Dean spent the first half of this year fighting for the Housing Corporation's survival. Now she has to prove that she can make it work.

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    The Trilliumaire


    A £300m deal with Land Securities will make property chief Manish Chande a major construction client, but contractors aren't his favourite people.

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    On track


    Following the Hatfield rail crash and the departure of the Railtrack chief executive, Les Mosco is the man who has to keep contractors on their toes.

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    Message to deliver


    For new Construction Confederation chief Stephen Ratcliffe, focusing on external issues is the best way to unite its members.

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    The costcutter


    This man is one of the most powerful people in construction. Some of the biggest clients in the industry do what he says. But who is Deryk Eke?

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    Paris Moayedi


    First the share collapse and now the question mark over rail work after Hatfield … Can the market's former darling pull Jarvis back from the brink?

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    Renaissance man


    Meet Jon Rouse, the new chief executive of CABE: bureaucrat, scuba diver and Kylie Minogue fan.

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    It's all about respect


    Enthusiasm, professionalism, and a love of punk rock just the qualities you'd expect from Ian Eggers, CIOB Building Manager of the Year.

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    Robert Jones


    The former Conservative construction minister is now chairman of housebuilder Redrow. Which means he’s back with his first love: planning.

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    Cheque mate


    The grand master behind the Morrison-Anglian tie-up was not Sir Fraser Morrison. Here’s how younger brother Gordon brokered the lucrative deal and stepped into the limelight.

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    Nick Grimshaw


    Architecture is a tricky game. Even this key figure in British hi-tec, the designer of stunning buildings around the world, has had to cope with bad publicity and the rise of the Zaha Hadid generation. So how does he continue to play it so well?

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    Dickon Robinson


    Modest, intelligent and visionary, the Peabody Trust development director has an uncanny knack of solving problems before anybody else notices them.

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    The civic surgeon


    Dashing around the country asking people what they think of where they live may be taxing, but EDAW s Kevin Murray believes you can t do urban design without it.

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    John Gains


    The man who put Mowlem back in profit is stepping into Sir Martin Laing’s shoes as the new president of the Construction Confederation – but is he straight-talking enough for the job?

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    Michael Dickson


    The Construction Industry Council's new chairman is diffident about his achievements, but his years with Buro Happold and his infectious enthusiasm for the industry make him the right man to lead the umbrella group's focus on design and urban renaissance.

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    It’s a small world


    Christian Spencer-Davies makes a living building diminutive versions of architects’ visions. It’s a life of long hours, difficult customers and little or no recognition. Why does he do it?