More Focus – Page 349

  • Elliot Lipton: bringing to bear the expertise of the commercial developer

    The inheritors


    The standard business model of the standard volume housebuilder is well tried, well tested and increasingly obsolete. Now the market is being invaded by dynamic, agile firms that have adapted to an environment in which affordability, sustainability and brownfield expertise are what count.

  • a small fraction of the people who’ve designed, planned, engineered and built the link

    With this issue...


    ....of Building we are publishing a Channel Tunnel Rail Link supplement.

  • Features

    Lead times


    This quarter Mace finds many lead times unchanged, but on the brink of increases next year as strong order books put the pressure on …

  • Features

    Spotlight on toilet pods


    Gardiner & Theobald throw the spotlight on modular toilet pods

  • Features

    Miliband talks up importance of ‘vision thing’ at Gateway


    The government intends to have a strategic framework for the Thames Gateway in place by next summer, said communities minister David Miliband.

  • Features

    The Xinhui factor


    Could shipping modules from China be a cheap solution for prefab housing? Joint venture Verbus thinks so, and has invested £1m devising a system to win over developers at next week’s launch. Katie Puckett follows a prototype on its journey from Xinhui to Salisbury

  • Paris Moayedi

    The fall of Paris


    For the first time, Building tells the extraordinary story of how Paris Moayedi, the man who dazzled the construction world for the best part of a decade, lost control of his own company.We reveal the boardroom splits, the desperate financial manoeuvres, the public relations disasters and the boardroom coups that ...

  • Saira Is-Haq

    Just the job: Saira Is-Haq at the NHBC


    Trainee building surveyor Saira Is-Haq talks about being the only Asian - and woman - on her course

  • Michael Dow



    Movers and shakers...

  • The 1930s market has been converted into facilities for the media and athletes. Some areas have had mezzanines inserted made from steel and wood.

    Turin triumphs


    The next Winter Olympics don’t take place until February, but have Italy’s design teams already won gold? In the second of our features on making the most of the Games, we look at how Turin’s facilities are promising to be a success.

  • Keith Miller

    The old romantic


    He may no longer be the carefree youth who proposed to his wife a week after they met, but Keith Miller’s more considered approach to business looks set to see the Miller Group pass the £1bn-turnover mark.

  • A training pool is barely used

    Some legacy


    A little more than a year after Athens hosted the ‘best ever’ Olympics, this is what its facilities have become – desolate monuments to poor planning and incoherent politics. Over the next five pages, Mark Leftly reports on the lessons that London needs to learn.

  • Features

    Costs: Solar hot water systems


    Will the new Part L see mass uptake of solar hot water systems? Peter Mayer of Building LifePlans looks at the specifications and their whole life costs

  • Features



    Government, planners and even clients want construction to get greener. Barbour Index and Scott Brownrigg explain how to put sustainability at the heart of your planning application

  • Features



    Sustainable alternatives for varnish, vinyl flooring and building blocks. Plus, a heat recovery system that makes the most of waste water and, below, the start of a quiet revolution in wind turbines

  • The glass facades Freiburg’s Sonnenschiff development include triple glazing – one of many sustainable features



    This week Specifier looks at all things sustainable, including the cost of solar hot water systems and some great green products. We kick off with Freiburg’s eco-community, including the new Sonnenschiff development that could teach the UK housebuilding sector a thing or two …

  • Features

    Projects update: Sustainability


    Environment-friendly projects are big business these days, and many companies and organisations are jumping on the bandwagon. Here is the latest set of initiatives, products and services to make your scheme green

  • Carrot illustration - construction workers reaching up to a giant carrot in the sky

    The year of the carrot


    In 2005 executives have enjoyed unprecedented bonus packages, as companies search for ways of getting peak performances from their upper echelon, according to the Building/Hays Executive salary guide. But they’re also making them harder to collect …

  • Liddle (centre) with fellow directors Caroline Buckingham (left) and Karen Mosley (right)

    ‘It’s important to look to yourself and what you believe in’


    HLM’s Chris Liddle has put his house on the line to save his architectural business. Twice.

  • Tom Henry



    ContractorSouth-east contractor Diamond Build has employed six apprentices. Stephen Boniface is taking an Advanced Modern Apprenticeship in ICT, Scott Lovell, Ferdi Ahmet and Dean Keys are apprentice carpenters and joiners, Mark Lawrence is an apprentice plumber and Bruno Peixoto and Mukarramma Mason-Williamson are undertaking apprenticeships in painting and decorating.ConsultantsInternational quantity ...