More Focus – Page 217

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    Projects that went pearshaped


    Here, in order of horribleness, are six projects that caused grief to all concerned, although they did give Building journalists an awful lot to write about

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    The disappeared ones


    All the world’s a stage, and the people and companies merely players. Here are some of those who made their exit in the noughties

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    Timeline of the decade


    Here what was happening in the outside world when Building was doing its stuff (spiced up with our favourite quotes of the decade)

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    Five we lost


    James Nisbet, the QS who invented cost planning (1920-2009)

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    What’s the frequency, Kenneth?


    Ken Livingstone became London’s first elected mayor in 2000 after being expelled from the Labour party.

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    London's latest landmarks


    Canary Wharf continued to grow during the 2000s, establishing itself as London’s major business centre

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    Health and safety


    When the annual number of site deaths passed 105 in the first year of the decade, there was a widespread sense that something had to be done

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    Five feuds


    1 Norman Foster vs Ken ShuttleworthNorman Foster took a leaf out of Stalin’s book when he doctored a photograph in a belated attempt to distance himself from former colleague Ken Shuttleworth. The two had fallen out after Ken gave an interview to Building in which he claimed much of the ...

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    Three gaffes


    Operation HIPS The introduction of home information packs was Labour’s main policy idea to improve the housebuying process and make homes more green

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    The world after 9/11


    September 11th, 2001 changed the face of the world forever, as the terrorist attacks that caused the collapse of the World Trade Centre’s twin towers in New York brought with them a climate of fear and international tension that was to last throughout the decade

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    Deals of the decade


    Five that worked out

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    The olympic dream and its cost


    The announcement, on 6 July 2005, that London had won the battle to host the 2012 Olympics was met with unbridled joy not just for the millions of bid supporters, but also from a construction industry rubbing its hands together at the prospect of billions pounds worth of work

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    What we know now that we didn’t know then


    SustainabilityBack in 2000, most of us didn’t know our PVs from our elbows, and sustainable design was the preserve of strange men with beards.TwitterWhat did we do before the ability to share our shopping list with the world in 140 characters or less? Or our thoughts on construction topics, of ...

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    2007 - 2008


    The years of storm and stress

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    Top five contractors


    Then and now

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    Industry and state


    Mankind’s ancient struggle with red tape reached a climax in 2005 after the draft Code for Sustainable Homes joined consultations on Parts B, L and F of the Building Regulations

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    The Green Surge


    When the decade began, sustainability and zero carbon were mostly of interest to eco-enthusiasts

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    Three wiser men: Did Building’s business advice work?


    In April this year, Building gathered together three people who were running companies suffering from late payments and dwindling order books. We asked a panel of business experts to offer them advice on surviving the months ahead, including how to win work and maintain cash flow. Since then our three ...

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    Carbon capture and storage: How we blew it


    Carbon capture and storage was supposed to be an area where British expertise could thrive. But, says Olivia Boyd, lack of clarity on the government’s plans and how it intends to fund them is squandering UK talent

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    The new arrival: Balfour Beatty’s Birmingham PFI hospital


    Weighing in at £585m, Balfour Beatty’s Birmingham PFI hospital was expected to be a difficult birth. Instead, it has been delivered with few complications, no trips to casualty, and ahead of its due date. Thomas Lane hands round the cigars