More Focus – Page 111

  • Leading construction activity indicator

    Tracker: February 2015


    Orders and tender enquiries are looking healthy, and reporting of constraints is down. But employment prospects are a worry for some

  • 2015-17-forecast

    Building intelligence: Q4 2014


    Experian Economics shows that 2014’s construction output increased 7% on the previous year’s total, with the housing sector performing particularly well

  • Haydn Mursell

    Interview: Haydn Mursell


    Haydn Mursell, Kier’s third chief executive in five years, is keen to maintain the firm’s traditional financial disciplines, while using his background in corporate mergers and acquisitions to push for future growth. Will he manage it?

  • Locations of contracts awarded in February

    Market review: Ebb and flow


    Construction takes an unexpected drop - its first year-on-year fall since May 2013 - but the wider UK economy makes a strong start to 2015. Michael Dall presents highlights of Barbour ABI’s latest monthly Economic Construction Market Review

  • Research shows that occupiers prefer Victorian and Georgian homes, but they can provide poor energy efficiency

    Whole-life carbon: Wellbeing


    Improving the energy efficiency of a building may be good for the planet, but occupiers may only be prepared to foot the bill if they can directly feel the benefit. Gareth Roberts of Sturgis Carbon Profiling analyses the latest research

  • Maggie's Oxford

    Preview: Building Awards Small Project of the Year shortlist


    From swimming pool to school, court to chapel, the architectural gems up for this year’s Building Awards Small Project of the Year prove that size isn’t everything

  • John_Lee

    What to specify: Flooring


    A range of flooring styles is demonstrated this week, from a resin floor used to direct passengers at a refurbished bus terminal to the striking design feature made from rubber floor tiling at SAP’s office reception

  • crossrail_PA_photos

    Inside Westminster: One for the road


    Continuing our series looking at construction from inside the corridors of power in the run-up to the election, Mark Leftly asks if the coalition’s track record on infrastructure is anything to celebrate

  • Nick Taylor

    Interview: Nick Taylor


    Nick Taylor closed the Russian office of his company, Waterman Group, one month before Putin annexed the Crimea. He explains why pulling back from developing markets and focusing on the UK is right for the engineer

  • ARKAllSaintsAcademyandHighshoreSchool02TimothySoar

    Preview: Building Awards Project of the Year shortlist


    The schemes in the running to be Building’s Project of the Year are as varied as the purposes for which they were designed. But whether a hockey centre or a special needs school, the teams behind these buildings went the extra mile

  • Pylons

    Infrastructure: Energy transmission


    The UK’s energy transmission networks need to attract large volumes of investment to respond to a rapidly changing energy market. David Porter and Simon Rawlinson of EC Harris review progress as new regulatory systems bed down

  • Peter Rogers

    Interview: Peter Rogers


    Despite a career spent working on London’s skyline, Peter Rogers has never lost his hunger for a challenge. Which is just as well, as he’s taking on the Pinnacle, possibly the capital’s most troubled project

  • UKIP posters

    UKIP: The vocal minority


    Control immigration and large areas of British countryside will not need to be destroyed by housebuilding, says UKIP. Nationalist populism at its most simplistic, perhaps, but the party’s anti-development stance is bearing down on politics at a local level

  • Bethlem

    Bethlem Hospital: Altered states


    Fraser Brown MacKenna’s renovation of Bethlem Hospital’s Museum of the Mind may look from the outside much as it did, but the interior spaces now house art galleries, exhibition spaces and an incomparable archive

  • Hong Kong

    Global city focus: Hong Kong


    How is Hong Kong to maintain its competitive edge with the rise of the emerging Asian cities? Barbra Carlisle of EC Harris, Constance Lau and Tim Robinson of Langdon Seah explore its unique positioning

  • Apprentices

    Apprentices in construction: One step forward…


    For construction to exploit the economic recovery, it will need about 30,000 new skilled workers each year - that’s about double the number of apprentices the industry is training up

  • Birmingham’s new John Lewis store

    Birmingham’s buzz


    Not so long ago, the greatest thing about Birmingham was finding a road out of it. But in little more than a decade it has transformed itself into a thriving urban centre that businesses and people are flocking to be part of

  • Alistair Campbell

    Ecobuild 2015 video: Alastair Campbell


    Former Labour party communications director on the government’s track record on green building policy

  • James Wates

    Ecobuild 2015 video: James Wates


    Chairman of Wates Group on the merger between the UK Contractors’ Group and the National Specialist Contractors Council

  • Sir John Armitt

    Ecobuild 2015 video: Sir John Armitt


    Author of the Armitt review on UK infrastructure plans, the energy sector and nuclear build programme