More Architectural Reviews – Page 85

  • The chic new form of Charles de Gaulle’s Terminal 2E.

    The rebirth of Charles de Gaulle


    Four years after a structural collapse killed four people, Terminal 2E at France’s biggest airport has reopened. James Clegg flew in

  • Whitecross school

    Sustainable approach at Whitecross school


    Construction Excellence assesses the challenges the contractor faced to introduce sustainable features at the Herefordshire school

  • Refurbished Rotherhithe Estate

    Eco-features at Rotherhithe Estate project


    Constructing Excellence looks at the eco-improvements that lead to the scheme being awarded an EcoHomes rating of Excellent

  • St Barts deconstructive acoustic screen

    St Barts and the Royal London take a green line


    Construction Excellence reports on the sustainability champions introduced throughout the refurbishment of UK's oldest hospitals

  • Cardiff Bay

    Atkins masterplan for Cardiff Bay scheme wins approval


    Bay Pointe waterfront development will feature Wales’ tallest residential buildings

  • ModernaHus

    Green lessons from Sweden


    With growing pressure to build quick yet green buildings, the UK should look to Sweden for inspiration

  • Heathrow T5 overview

    Heathrow T5 recycles and reuses waste


    In the first of a series of sustainable case studies submitted by Construction Excellence, the body assesses the work carried out on the recently completed Terminal 5 project with 97% of its waste material recycled or recovered

  • British Antarctic Survey’s project manager Karl Tuplin stands outside the first fully clad module at the end of the first construction season.

    12 weeks in the cooler


    Temperatures of 55°C below zero, no privacy, strictly rationed alcohol … and they’re only a third of the way through the job. Thomas Lane finds out what it’s like to spend a ‘summer’ on site at the Halley VI Antarctic research station

  • News

    Zero-carbon housing kit: RuralZed explained


    RuralZed is a zero-carbon housing kit for affordable low to medium-density developments that, its makers say, will meet the Code for Sustainable Homes from level three up to six and beyond. Here’s how it’s done.

  • Vivid louvres give the school a bright and cheery character

    Michael Tippett school: Wilful disobedience


    Marks Barfield’s Michael Tippett school – London’s first Building Schools for the Future project – succeeds by ignoring many of the guidelines on both design and procurement. There’s probably a lesson in that, reckons Martin Spring

  • Howe Dell School

    Howe Dell school, Hertfordshire


    Hertfordshire Council commissioned the project to test the latest eco-friendly system with its most intriguing feature being the temperature control

  • Elm Park, Dublin

    Elm Park, Dublin


    Bucholz McEvoy Architects’ Elm Park is a stunning £300m mixed-use, sustainable extension to Dublin, made all the more attractive by the charmless dross that surrounds it

  • Features

    Howe Dell: Too cool for school?


    Healthcare and education The Howe Dell school and children’s centre project was commissioned by Hertfordshire council in order to test the latest eco-friendly systems, and as Chloë Stothart discovers, its most intriguing feature is its temperature control

  • Features

    Dare to be different: Elm Park, Dublin


    Bucholz McEvoy Architects’ Elm Park is a stunning £300m mixed-use, sustainable extension to Dublin, made all the more attractive by the charmless dross that surrounds it.

  • Picture of Bankside 123

    Bankside 123


    A giant £220m office development, delivered on time, to budget, with zero defects – and an admirable approach to sustainability

  • Mersey Observatory

    Duggan Morris wins £11m Liverpool Bay competition


    Architect's design chosen for Merseyside observatory and visitor centre near landmark Gormley sculture

  • Features

    Oh dear, oh dear


    So far, Cabe’s school design review panel hasn’t been too impressed by the Building Schools for the Future programme. Martin Spring looks at what it said about the first batch of schemes and asks Ken Shuttleworth, the chairman of the panel, for tips on getting full marks

  • News

    The Gus Report: Welly garden city


    In the first of a series of reviews of important housing developments, Gus Alexander looks at English Partnerships’ remarkable scheme in Upton, Northamptonshire, which is built on a bit of a marsh …

  • Features

    Snug as a bug in rug


    When the Natural History Museum decided it needed to house 20 million insect and plant specimens within one structure, building a giant shiny, ivory coloured cocoon seemed to make perfect sense. Thomas Lane buzzed over to find out more …

  • Wind turbine, Austrian renewable energy tour

    Renewable energy lessons from Austria


    ESD and Crest Nicholson team up for Austrian energy to learn about renewable energy and passivhaus design