I imagine Patrick McKay’s letter raised a few eyebrows other than mine and I think that he represents a view just as much the subject of brainwashing as the opposite position, which he so mockingly derides.

He doubts that global warming exists; a position that even with a suspect 18,000 ‘scientists’ apparently backing his view is countered by vast quantities of evidence and many more of the scientific community of far greater eminence than can be mustered for those in denial.

What is unclear is whether man is the cause or whether the phenomenon is mostly a natural occurrence and if man is a major influence, do we have the capability or will to do anything about it?

Do I detect a desire by Mr McKay to carry on burning fossil fuels like there was no tomorrow? Of far greater importance is that we have pretty well used up our own resources and are hell-bent on obtaining our supplies from questionable locations controlled by governments who are certainly no friends of the UK and would ‘turn off the tap’ in mid-winter without notice if it suited their political ends. Even without that danger the cost to our balance of payments will rapidly turn us into a third world economy.

We must dramatically reduce our dependence on fossil-generated energy as quickly as possible by using every means at our disposal. Sneering at people who have devoted millions of hours to the development of computer programmes because they are not perfect is simply a way to bury our heads in the sand.

Yes, professional engineers are supposed to think and act logically and it’s true that the evidence is not all gathered in. That is no reason to join the Flat Earth Society! To me there is no doubt that with dependence on foreign fuel we will be beholden to the goodwill of its suppliers, which could one day bring us to our knees.

Whatever the reason it is crucial that we implement with urgency, energy efficiency, generation from renewables and all other non-fossil-fuelled technologies at our disposal. I don’t care whether you believe in global warming or not; let’s just admit that the job has to be done and get on with it.

Mike Brill FCIBSE