Distributor Mayflex has helped to rebuild a village in Sri Lanka that was destroyed by the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami.

In March 2005 Mayflex held a golf day to raise funds for the appeal.

Mayflex customers and suppliers submitted a team and paid a £500 entry fee, and along with Mayflex donating 50p from each order placed in January and February, helped to raise £20,000.

The village development comprises 85 dwellings, 20 of which were sponsored by Mayflex.

Each house comes with a plot size of approximately half an acre.

Mayflex managing director Andrew Percival said: "The response that we got from our customers and suppliers when we announced that we were holding a charity golf event was amazing. Overall the generosity of all those involved was outstanding."

Further details of how the village was built can be obtained by visiting Mayflex’s website at www.mayflex.com.