Joint ECA and HVCA initiative helps provide hands-on approach to energy efficiency and renewables

M&E Sustainability (MES) has agreed to provide financial and technical support to the Centre for Efficient and Renewable Energy in Buildings (CEREB).

The facility is under construction at London South Bank University. MES has agreed to part-fund the project as well as providing input from the contracting community.

The centre, which is a joint venture between LSBU and fellow London universities Kingston and City, is due to open in June 2009. It will be an educational, hands-on demonstration of a range of design measures and technologies for reducing carbon emissions.

The building itself showcases thermal massing, solar shading, ground source heating and cooling and solar thermal systems. Other technologies will be demonstrated inside, including hydrogen fuel and photovoltaic cells.

Students and researchers will be able to study the building and its energy use thanks to a building energy management system and monitoring techniques.

When completed, the centre will have demonstration areas and seminar rooms, which will be available to MES members for training courses and conferences.

M&E Sustainability has also provided a new website dedicated to helping m&e contractors take advantage of the business opportunities created by the rising demand for sustainable buildings. features detailed design guides, updates on relevant legislation, technology guidance, case studies and news items.

The site, which is now live, is spearheading the industry's campaign to develop rigorous standards for installation of renewable energy systems and support specialist training providers.

M&E Sustainability chairman David Frise said: “The sustainable building landscape is changing rapidly and is being tracked by the website’s editorial team, who have the task of ensuring members are kept up-to-date with this dynamic market.”

Experts from within the two organisations are also available via the website to answer technical and regulatory questions from contractors.