11:00AM RICS report says government must take drastic action or Manchester could become the city of air pollution

A new report published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors warns the government that unless drastic measures are taken, Manchester could become the city of air pollution by 2050.

RICS chief executive, Louis Armstrong said: “The government must encourage strong systems of spatial planning, redistribute shopping facilities and provide a renewed focus on community, health and leisure uses of public space.”

The stark report, delivered at the Labour Party conference in Manchester, said that lifestyle behaviour changes are no longer enough. It is up to the government to show strong leadership and come up realistic solutions to combat growing pollution.

Armstrong added: “The government needs to show political courage and make tough, unpopular decisions by introducing statutory measures to ensure long terms achievement."

“The government must show firm leadership in both economic and social spheres if we are not to sleepwalk our way into out of control global warming. Doing nothing is no option," he concluded.