The ODPM has published research findings that correlate with what we, at John Grooms Housing Association, have been saying for sometime now: There are not enough houses for disabled people in this country.

The Survey of English Housing reveals that over 350,000 disabled people (or people with a medical condition) requiring specially adapted accommodation are living in inappropriate houses that do not meet their needs. Such a fact does not come as a surprise to us at JGHA. For too long disability issues have been low on the social and political agenda and as a result we have a housing crisis on our hands.

At JGHA we are calling on authorities at all levels to address this problem by building one in 10 new social houses to wheelchair standard. Only by making such a commitment will disabled people throughout the country have the chance to start living life on their terms, in truly accessible houses.

David Harmer, chief executive John Grooms Housing Association