The government’s Low Carbon Buildings Programme has come under attack for the second month in a row after its monthly grant allocation ran out just 90 minutes after being made available to householders.

The Low Carbon Buildings Programme is designed to boost the installation of renewables on residential buildings. It previously ran into trouble when, after just six months of launching, funds ran out due to soaring demand. Grants are now allotted on a month-by-month basis.

When February’s allocation ran out in 12 hours, disappointed customers were told to try again the following month. However within an hour and a half of inviting applications on 1 March all the funds were fully allocated.

The Solar Trade Association has branded the situation a farce and is calling on the government to find another £15 million to fully fund the programme until the start of its next renewable energy support scheme.

David Matthews, national executive officer of the Solar Trade Association, said: “Householders are totally fed up. They want to take action on global warming issues and want to work with government on climate change. However, although government is providing plenty of spin through the Stern report and international climate change leadership, it is currently providing very little support on the home front. We therefore call on the chancellor to prove his climate change credentials and fully fund the LCBP in this month’s budget.”