There are some enthusiastic walkers out there if the sign-up rate for the Coins 3 Peaks Challenge is anything to go by.

All 50 team places for the industry event were snapped up in record time this year and the list reads like a great and good of the industry (go to to find out who will be there on the day).

One of the walkers in the CM team, deputy editor Stephen Cousins is limbering up, as our photo shows. With two long-distance runners, a keen hiker and a rugby player as team mates, it’s good to see he is taking his training seriously. In a shameless plea, Cousins said: ‘The CM team needs to raise £6,000 in sponsorship – any reader or company who makes a donation will get a mention in a special section on our website’.

You can make donations through constructionmanager. The money will go to three worthy charities: Habitat for Humanity, CARE and Stepping On.