All Letters articles – Page 91

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    Safety slip


    I’m sure mine is not the only email regarding the article about the Arnolfini Arts Centre in Bristol (11 March, page 50).

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    Roger and the women


    With reference to Roger Knowles’ letter claiming that women choose not to work on site because of their nails (11 March, page 38): well, now we know what he really thinks about women in building.

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    Hold your horses


    With reference to the article headlined “M&E trade bodies propose mandatory training levy”, (18 March, page 17), the first paragraph gives the impression that the trade associations within the building services engineering sector are proposing the introduction of a “compulsory training levy”.

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    Free-range children


    Delighted to see that Kingsmead Primary School has 50% lower running costs than a typical school (18 March, page 16). Pity it looks as though it is a farm building for rearing chickens.David Bevan, director, Troika Contracting

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    Consultants: caution advised


    The purpose of the City of London Law Society novation agreement, according to Paul Cowan and Marc Hanson (18 March, page 54), is for the consultant to be regarded as always performing services for the benefit of the contractor.

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    There’s nothing wrong with JCT


    Gillian Birkby’s salutary tale (“A hard way to earn £2”, 11 March, pag1e 60) could be seen to blame JCT80 for the mess that arose from allowing a client to take over part of an uncompleted building. If so, she is wrong.

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    Everybody wins


    As a representative of leading recycling company Eurosource, I was delighted to be part of the recent Red Nose Day Recycling Appeal launch.

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    The client’s point of view


    I was very interested in your article “Safe crackers” (11 March, pages 36-37), especially the comments relating to the CDM regulations and clients. Having been a client property manager for more than 20 years I think the problems for the client in fitting with the suggestions of your experts are ...

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    Where will the buggy go?


    I read with interest your article on PPG3 and the effect it may have on couples contemplating starting a family (11 March, page 24). My own experience with PPG3 stems from being a father of twin boys of 13 months looking to move into a bigger property.

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    It’s dense, alright


    Having read your news story on high density housing and children (11 March, page 24), I believe there is a dichotomy.

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    Living it up in Leeds


    Martin Spring’s article (21 January, pages 22-23) celebrated the erection of a student hall of residence that was a “chequerboard rebuke to drab suburban Leeds”.

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    Join us


    Do you still feel abandoned by RICS?

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    CM is wounded, not dead


    So construction management is found to be responsible for another major disaster to add to the severe criticism the procurement route received at Holyrood (11 March, pages 42-46). The Great Eastern Hotel case must be the final nail in the coffin?

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    The class struggle continues


    Dominic Helps’ thoughtful article on the different rules for payment between builder and consultant designer stopped short of discussing why there should be differences for services whose intentions are broadly similar (“Pay slip”, 11 February, page 63).

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    Find yourself a bench


    How long do contractors really believe they can sustain a no benchmarking, no measurement approach? With the threat of PFI-related sector-specific benchmarking, growing international competition and increasingly educated clients, the clear message is measure up or lose out.

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    Vote wisely


    RICS members are being given the opportunity to vote for members of the governing council.

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    Hmmm …


    A considerable amount of correspondence has appeared in Building as to why so few women find work on construction sites.

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    Defining undefined


    I read Ann Minogue’s article regarding defined and undefined provisional sums with interest (3 December, page 49).

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    Yellow card


    The article “Biting Back” (25 February, page 52) referred to the chairman’s final report of the deliberations of the Payment Working Group for the review of Part 2 of the Construction Act.

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    No such stipulation


    I am writing in response to your article on the Bath Spa, “Money down the drain” (11 February, page 26).