All Letters articles – Page 85

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    Wrong, wrong, wrong


    It is misleading and inaccurate to say that Acton Housing Association, part of the Dominion Housing Group, has “the worst record for spending”.

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    East End enterprise


    I think John Smith’s appraisal of the lack of training was very astute but I was wondering whether I could offer a glimmer of hope.

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    Disappointing performance


    Your article attempting to report on housing association spend was, unfortunately, wholly inaccurate and misleading.

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    Fly-fishing, by Anglian Water


    I read with interest the article titled “Supervillains”. As a building contractor, I have had numerous problems with utilities companies and can sympathise with Andrew Gill over the problems he had with Anglian Water.

  • Do you recognise these men...?

    And the winner is …


    “Do you recognise these men?” (15 July, page 35). I certainly do.

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    A payee’s lot


    The National Specialist Contractors Council has, in common with other interested parties, submitted a detailed response to the DTI consultation paper on amending the Construction Act to improve payment practices in the industry.

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    CABE and its public


    Why on earth don’t people check their facts? The Evening Standard journalist Mira Bar-Hillel (Letters, 15 July, page 34) gets the wrong end of the stick on at least three counts when she comments on CABE’s recent open design review.

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    Risky business


    Melinda Parisotti’s idea for eliminating net contribution clauses (1 July, page 52) should, I suggest, be put in perspective.

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    Nous les avons aussi


    I am writing in response to your international salary guide (24 June, page 40).

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    Wholly appreciated


    May I congratulate you on the article on whole-life costing (24 June, page 66). Nothing is more important to the industry than an appreciation of its role in asset management for a business.

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    Steady on …


    I’m delighted to see that you thought it worth noting that maids in Notting Hill were Filipina.

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    Morgan the martyr


    I note that Launce Morgan, the chairman of the RICS construction faculty, has resigned from that appointment and his job at Northcroft (8 July, page 15).

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    No loss


    We at snagging company Inspector Home do not perceive that the loss of the customer satisfaction survey for housebuilders (24 June, page 16) will have any serious impact, because from our experience it was highly misleading.

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    Fifteen golden rules


    I am sure Keith Pickavance needs no advice from me about the real cause of disputes such as Wembley (Letters, 24 June, page 40).

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    Brain matter


    It was a pity that your recent article on women in construction (10 June, pages 28-31) failed to point out the basic fact that most people working in today's construction industry use their brains, not their bare hands.

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    Reviewing the review


    I am surprised that in your report on the CABE “open design review” (1 July, page 16) you failed to mention that one of the main recommendations of the parliamentary select committee, which investigated CABE recently, was that its design review function should be entirely opened to public scrutiny.

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    The long and winding road


    I am enclosing a copy of my letter to Highbury College.

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    A world outside hairdressing


    I read with interest your article entitled “Construction: No place for women!” (10 June, page 28), which debated the relative aspirations of women to enter the construction industry alongside the employers desire to recruit females in the workplace.

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    Tony’s great mate


    I see from the interview with Lord Hunt (1 July, page 32) that what we have is yet another of Tony’s cronies.

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    The value of campaigns


    We can’t change the experiences that young people’s parents may have had of construction, but the industry can show young people and their parents how it has changed and that many women enjoy challenging and rewarding careers, both on and off site.