All Letters articles – Page 84

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    Four years later


    I write as the author of the DTI/Bovis Lend Lease report on the Mid City Place project in London, which was referred to in your article “Driving us crazy”, (2 September - see related articles). Although it is pleasing to see that Mid City Place still being held up as ...

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    An eye to the future


    I would like to point out that the South Bank Centre is not seeking to increase the rent for the BA London Eye from £65,000 to £2.5m as stated in your issue of 2 September (page 15 - see related articles). The South Bank Centre and Bromley council, which has ...

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    Why can’t we be more German?


    The article on logistics in the UK is timely. If our recent experience as a small firm of architects is anything to go by, our German cousins beat us hands down. We needed eight 250 kg L-shaped pre-cast concrete units for a client near the M25 and found that British ...

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    … Or how about a £500 answer?


    We are a small company with a turnover of £1m and have worked successfully with small and major contractors. In all cases 100% of funds are released on completion of our works.

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    Hmmm …


    Who says the spirit of adventure is no longer alive in the UK construction industry?

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    Sanitising history


    I see you have featured yet another sanitisation of England’s disappearing industrial heritage (Woodhorn Colliery, 26 August, page 10).

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    A deep-sea red herring


    The Guardian recently published a letter from James Abbott, editor of Modern Railways, responding to an article on construction that it published on 30 June.

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    Tax attack


    Well done to Colin Harding for his comment piece (26 August, page 27).

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    Leave law to the lawyers …


    In a recent article, Tony Bingham endorses the initiative to raise the standards of adjudicators by teaching them complex areas of construction law (12 August: Legal).

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    … or is it too late?


    As Tony has so well described over the past eight years or so, the original idea of the adjudicator being only an enhanced QS/architect/engineer has really gone by the board and there is now a requirement for a proficient handling of matters of law while under pressure.

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    We stand corrected


    Your “In brief” column (12 August) incorrectly reports a fatality on a Kier Regional site in Kensington during 2004.

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    Bucks redux


    I wrote on 12 August that the competition brief for the £60,000 house contest was prescriptive.

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    Symptoms of a soft market


    It would appear from your comprehensive report “Crime and punishment” (5 August) that the Office of Fair Trading has only recently become aware of collusion in the building industry.

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    A chance to catch up


    I have been heartened by Building’s coverage of the introduction of measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from buildings.

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    Building gets Loaded


    Bearing in mind the raging debate in recent weeks regarding the role and perception of women in construction, it was interesting to see in Hansom (5 August) news that wouldn’t have been out of place in a copy of Loaded: women were referred to as “munters” and you reported the ...

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    Shurely shome mishtake


    I read with interest your article on 15 July regarding the costs for the Olympics (page 24). Can you please tell me, did you make a mistake?

  • Master of shadows

    Master of shadows


    The answer to the competition on 22 July was David Hindle, then managing director of Amey Building, taken in 1992. The winner was Eddie Hume of Kier Group. It seems that what Mr Hindle was doing in the photograph was “being a phoenix”.

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    A message from the judges …


    Your piece last week on the £60,000 house (5 August, page 13) misrepresents both the reality of the competition and CABE’s position. It is based on an unverified quote and a good deal of inaccurate speculation – for example there were 30 submissions, not 33, and the shortlist comprised nine ...

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    … and an interested party


    As one of the architects involved in this competition, I am surprised there can be any criticism of the design from anybody. The time provided by the ODPM, despite being extended by two weeks, was extremely tight. The brief for the Oxley Park site, produced by English Partnerships, was extremely ...

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    Sorry, David


    Having read the article regarding the proposed hotel at Brooklands racing circuit (29 July, page 9), I’m not sure David Coulthard would be thrilled to be described as a “former Formula 1 driver”, as he was racing in Hungary for Red Bull last Sunday, and has just re-signed with the ...