All Letters articles – Page 79

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    Following an American lead


    I am sure your readers know that the USA's International Building Code is drafted by coal-face officials and the industry, and then adopted by municipalities (occasionally with a few changes to suit local conditions).

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    New year, same old story


    Like Richard Steer, I have been mulling over the past year and wondering what will be repeated in 2006.

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    Mapping uncharted territories


    I have followed the spat between Colin Harding and Rab Bennetts about architects and integrated teams (Letters, 20 January) with interest.

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    In the name of the law


    Your article on the opportunities created by the Olympics (27 January) was welcome, particularly Matt Nichols' view that "what was needed was a co-ordinated approach and a commitment from the industry at the outset to adhere to, and practise, integrated working".

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    … get over it …


    Back to the Dark Ages? Correct! But I'm talking about Matthew Blurton's attitude!

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    Inspired to follow the lord


    I was very interested to read your recent comment article by Richard Steer (20 January).

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    Taking a short cut


    Here's one of the main contractor's tradesman walking between sets of scaffold five storeys up.

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    That joke isn't funny any more …


    I totally agree with the letter entitled "Back to the Dark Ages" (20 January, page 34). The image is indeed disturbing.I come across a lot of building trade press through my work and find the sexist and insulting content of some of the adverts really disappointing. Last year I wrote ...

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    Always check the small print


    When someone uses a fallacious argument to justify an unwelcome announcement, you can be certain that there'll be repercussions!

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    … laugh? I didn't, actually


    I was both saddened and pleased to read the letter regarding the shameful use of women in an advertisement for flooring.

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    Wonder or …?


    I would nominate Zaha Hadid’s Wolfsburg Science Centre, featured in your “In pictures” article on 2 December, page 24, as a strong candidate for a future “blunder”.

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    Yule’s tidings


    Perhaps only a legal man could be so outrageous in his opinion but at the same time completely miss the essence of the NEC (Ian Yule, 18 November). The whole ethos of the contract is based upon communication, collaboration and co-operation centred on timely and effective good management from all ...

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    A simple solution


    In his article “A fat lot of good” (2 Decembe), Rudi Klein rightfully complains that adjudication has become too expensive to be appropriate for the small value disputes that it was intended to resolve.

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    Rab lets rip


    I should know by now not to read Colin Harding’s regular attacks on architects as they just wind me up, but he cannot go unchallenged.

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    I think I’m going to sneeze …


    Thanks to Anthony Widdup of Amer Architects for this picture of site life, and possible death, in Jaipur, India.

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    Victorian fiction


    Tony Bingham (18 November) once more goes to the heart of a big problem for the building industry: that it is still incapable of delivering a building in which design and integration of services are fully co-ordinated.

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    Cannes the hard way


    If any of your readers are keen cyclists and are planning to go to MIPIM, they might like to know I am organising a charity ride that will do the 920 miles in three days riding in relays.

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    Southwark’s big plans


    I am writing to correct an impression that may have been made by your article on the Beetham Tower proposal (9 December).

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    Tall tale?


    I was prompted to write concerning the article in on the design of high-rise building following the events of 9/11 (4 November).

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    Less elegant than flatulent


    I couldn’t agree more with Mark Cowell’s and James Nisbet’s comments (28 October) concerning the award of the Stirling Prize to the Scottish parliament building.