All Letters articles – Page 76

  • Guess the building

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Comment

    Brum's rush


    Can I set the record straight following your article about Lord Rogers and Birmingham (24 March)?

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    Place your bets


    You ask where research funding should be spent (10 March).

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    A positive step, but a small one


    I have read the five proposals in your Reform the Regs manifesto (17 March) and I wholeheartedly agree with them.

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    Northern sulk


    Groan … another London architect wheeled in to put up proposals for yet more iconic buildings (17 March).

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    Too many umbrellas


    Construction Confederation = representative body for medium-sized and large contractors

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    Old joke, new punchline


    There is an old joke about engineers being good with numbers but remaining illiterate.

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    The wrong guests


    Before you get too excited about the Building Regulations "summit", let's get back to earth.

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    One careful owner?


    The Home Information Pack is yet another area where the government is introducing poor quality legislation. It should be repealing regulation by the tonne, not introducing it.

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    London lags behind


    In London there is still confusion over the London Building Act and the national Building Regulations.

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    Take some responsibility


    I applaud your Reform the Regs campaign and welcome much of what is proposed (17 March).

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    A league of their own


    I was quite amazed to read that some architectural firms in this country are so arrogant about their own status that they expect students to work for free ("Exploited youth", 10 March).

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    Some hits, some misses


    Tony Bingham was clearly at a different DTI conference to discuss the review of the Construction Act than the one I attended (3 March).

  • Thanks to clerk of works Alan Clark for this interesting approach to working at height.

    Impressive feet


    Thanks to clerk of works Alan Clark for this interesting approach to working at height.

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    Salary engineering


    Your article about the alleged exploitation of architecture students is a warning to us all; it is not just their problem.

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    Building on beauty


    So to enjoy the fresh air and natural beauty of the Lake District, it is proposed to build "landmark culture projects across Cumbria" (17 March).

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    Here is our very own government ensuring that full health and safety regulations are being adhered to while works are being carried out on a secret government building in central London … This is one way to bring in some unwanted attention!

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    Watch where you're pointing that


    Building's last "At your service" set of legal questions and answers (3 March) very helpfully summarised changes in the JCT98 standard form.

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    Pack it in


    I fully agree with David Brown's comments on the home information packs. Nick Raynsford's thinking, along with the government's in general, is flawed in respect of this legislation.

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    The land of smiles and mass protest


    An extract from Building journalist Nick Jones' Bangkok blog …