All Letters articles – Page 72

  • Comment

    Strangely silent


    It has been interesting to read the responses made by colleagues in the construction industry to Ray O'Rourke's perspective on women and migrant workers.

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    Look at my medal


    I was delighted to read your feature on Bournemouth Arts Institute's Enterprise Pavilion (19 May, pages 56-59).

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    Three steps to heaven


    Many thanks to Robert Sissons of Brett Construction for this example of church maintenance from Bruges, Belgium. Clearly a man who feels he has God on his side.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Success breeds inertia


    What do Ray O'Rourke's view of women in construction and Multiplex's views on how to work with subcontractors have in common?

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    Bad reaction


    I couldn't agree less with the articles "Edge of darkness" and "Seconds to midnight" (26 May, pages 26-27 and 32-34). As Amory Lovins said recently, "If nuclear power is the answer, then you've asked the wrong question".

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    Let's stick together


    How refreshing to read David Mosey's article on the use of peer pressure rather than big sticks to manage a project schedule (2 June, page 49). My experience of partnering and collaborative ventures in the industry over the years is that peer pressure is a powerful tool for one simple ...

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    An accident waiting impatiently to happen


    The shots were taken on a housing development site in Camberley, Surrey. There's nobody around … so that'll be alright then!

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    The truth about Birmingham


    Having read your article on Birmingham (26 May, page 44), it seems appropriate to ask whether your reporter actually visited the city when researching her piece? If she did, it is strange that she fails to mention many of the "high-profile" projects that, far from being stalled, are progressing and ...

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    Sumitra's history lesson


    I quite agree with Graham Watts' comments about Ray O'Rourke and the right to free speech in this country (19 May, page 14). At least we know where Mr O'Rourke is coming from and I am sure there are others like him who keep silent.

  • Nearer, my god, to thee

    Nearer, my god, to thee


    This photo was taken in 1957 in Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey.

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    And finally …


    As a woman building surveyor I would like to ask Mr Ray O'Rourke where does he envisage us?

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    O'Rourke's worst fears?


    I know a lot will be written about Ray O'Rourke's comments on women and rightly so.

  • Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Comment

    Head for the golf course, Ray


    I have worked in the construction industry for 19 years. I am currently a bid manager and consider my time on site as a QS and design co-ordinator to have provided essential experience to enable me to lead and manage bids. The experience has ensured that I have a comprehensive ...

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    What can't we do?


    Perhaps there is no place in the industry for Ray O'Rourke? By saying that women should not work on building sites, all that is achieved is an enhanced perception of the industry as a bunch of masculine and unsophisticated builders. It is traditionalist and far from progressive.

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    Building unfair to Birmingham


    Your recent features on Birmingham (26 May, page 44) and Manchester (27 January) do seem to demonstrate considerable editorial bias. While your article on Birmingham's "broken dreams" spells out many a truth that I myself have written letters on to the local press, it is plainly incorrect to say that ...

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    Don't give them any ideas …


    The article "Party Wall Breakthrough" (Brick Bulletin, 28 April, page 3) details a method of party wall construction without plastering that meets the acoustic regulations.

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    Ray and the women


    On behalf of the membership of the National Association of Women in Construction I would like to record how appalled we were at Ray O'Rourke's comments (19 May, page 14).

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    Not just a site issue


    It is a great pity to read about comments such as Ray O'Rourke's regarding the role of women on site; it is however a view I have heard expressed many times and from people of equal standing in the industry.