All Letters articles – Page 59

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    Listen to Leitch


    I read with interest Sir Digby Jones’ article on the need for increased training for young people in the run-up to the 2012 Olympics (27 April, page 34).

  • Will EPCs create a market for healthier buildings?

    It doesnt work like that


    I read with interest the article on energy performance certificates (EPC) (27 April, page 64-66). The premise of the survey – that EPCs will have an immediate effect on landlords and tenants – betrays a misunderstanding of the mechanics of EPCs.

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    Holiday blues


    I read with interest the article “That holiday feeling” (20 April, page 62).

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    Not from round here


    Not from round here Sir Digby Jones is right to highlight markets such as China and India as potentially fertile areas for exporting British PFI expertise.

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    How to fight a towering inferno


    During the recent debate on tall buildings, as illustrated in Amanda Levete’s article (5 April, page 34) one issue is ignored: fire safety. Are we to presume the process of control in design and construction will ensure that the right decisions are taken on fire safety?

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    QSs: the disaster managers


    Further to the debate on the future of quantity surveying, perhaps if the role of the QS were taken more seriously, the Olympics – not to mention the Scottish parliament and Wembley stadium – would have been properly budgeted in the first place. The Scottish parliament ended up costing 10 ...

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building (right) to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Proving the rule


    I read with surprise your assertions in the article “Illegal T5 Worker Deported” (20 April, page 11).

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    Special needs


    Following your leader article (13 April, page 3), it would make qualifying the workforce a little bit more palatable for the specialists if there was parity of costs in our industry between mainstream activities and the specialist organisations.

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    The suppliers are mobilised


    To deliver zero-carbon homes on the necessary scale within a decade, and to address the national housing crisis, we need mandatory national standards and implementation (13 April, page 13).

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    Inconvenience stores


    The number of convenience stores in UK is on the rise, with the expansion of Tesco Express receiving unprecedented attention.

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    I’d just like to thank ...


    Your feature “Chairman of the board” (13 April, page 54) gave an excellent account of the story behind the building of the skatepark at Cantelowes Gardens.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building (right) to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Do it like the Canadians ...


    As a Canadian I’m surprised that the UK does not follow the standards in my country, where all buildings are timber and all are sprinklered. Even private homes have sprinklers and we all sleep well at night.

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    This code is broken


    The government and its quangos think they can save the world by introducing a Code for Sustainable Homes that fails to recognise where homes are built.

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    … but don’t use bathwater


    What has been shown time and time again with fire in timber-framed buildings is that if the fire can get inside the wall and ceiling cavities, then the building suffers.

  • Timber construction has come a long way since this was built ...

    … or the Americans


    Of course there is always a risk of fire when you have a wooden frame, but with the American way of fireproof plasterboard and fireproof insulation, the risk is a lot lower. Also a sprinker system is par for the course.

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    Stick to the plan


    Your article (13 April, page 13) was right to highlight the difficulties posed by local authorities having the autonomy to set their own standards for new homes.

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    Qualifications what you need


    I was interested to read the KPMG research into the shortage of qualified contractors (9 March, page 16).

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    Bosses, commit to apprentices


    Recent statistics showing a sharp fall in apprenticeships (, 29 March) surprised me because they are not reflected by the industry’s experience.