All Letters articles – Page 51

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    Going for green


    The news that the Olympic Delivery Authority’s business network will help companies across the UK compete for London 2012 business opportunities is a welcome announcement.

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    Playing a risky game


    I note every week the array of pictures sent in by vigilant readers detailing clear health and safety breaches seen on building sites, often in this country.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    The QS and the cockroach


    As a loud and proud QS I have been reading about the imminent demise of our noble art for as long as I can remember.

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    Every cloud


    I read your piece “Construction firms will take credit crunch hit in 2008” (11 January, page 20) with interest. It claimed insolvencies across all industries are set to rise 8.3% to 13,492 next year, with construction singled out as one of the biggest casualties.

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    Nuclear clear-up


    Contrary to the impression given in your quote from me in the article “The path to power” (18 January, page 28), the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) and I are very clear about our policy on nuclear power.

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    Cutting the atom down to size


    Oh dear, two energy-related errors in the 11 January issue. First, kWh is a unit of energy while kW is a unit of power, not vice versa (page 75).

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    A fledgling workforce


    David Cameron’s back to work initiative, raises the memory of the Leeds council community programme of the eighties.

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    Fear not the NEC


    Tony Bingham gave us a light-hearted Christmas reminder of the benefits of the employer having on site people who understand the sharp end of construction (14 December, page 56).

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    Speed isnt everything


    As a south Londoner and a frequent user of the Waterloo terminal (below), I am one of that band of travellers for whom the journey time to Paris has increased as a result of the move to St Pancras, so I might be viewed as being somewhat jaundiced in my ...

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    An elementary lesson


    Following the Bali summit in December there appeared to be an overwhelming agreement that we need to act now to reduce the impact of climate change.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Happily floating along


    I noted with interest the comment in the Hansom column (14 December, page 27) that we at Baqus must hate Turner & Townsend for stealing our thunder by announcing the day before our flotation that it was planning to do the same.

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    Terrorism and you


    The prime minister recently suggested a need for architects to help “design out” terrorist opportunities.

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    The plane truth


    Your reader’s concern about the pitfalls of constructing a school around two 120-year-old plane trees (23 November, page 38) mirrors those of the client and design team at the outset of the project four years ago, but a great amount of consideration went into ensuring the continuing health of the ...

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    Reefer madness


    Although I couldn’t possibly disagree with the main thrust of Jules Harbage’s legal article (7 December, page 58), I am dismayed that yet another opportunity has been missed for addressing the growing issue of drug abuse.

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    Here, here


    I have just read Tony Bingham’s article about the lack of clerks of works on British building sites (14 December, page 56).

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    The golden age of canals


    Many years ago there was some debate among the canal fraternity about the future use of canals.

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    High standard


    The criticism of the new RIBA Standard Agreement 2007 by Ian Yule (23 November, page 59) is inaccurate and self-serving.