All Letters articles – Page 51

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    … and happy to be abroad


    I am an expat QS and a member of the RICS. Please, for the sake of my sanity and that of others, do not carry any articles about the RICS’ desire to have visa restrictions lifted for foreign QSs.

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    Going for green


    The news that the Olympic Delivery Authority’s business network will help companies across the UK compete for London 2012 business opportunities is a welcome announcement.

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    Playing a risky game


    I note every week the array of pictures sent in by vigilant readers detailing clear health and safety breaches seen on building sites, often in this country.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    The QS and the cockroach


    As a loud and proud QS I have been reading about the imminent demise of our noble art for as long as I can remember.

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    Every cloud


    I read your piece “Construction firms will take credit crunch hit in 2008” (11 January, page 20) with interest. It claimed insolvencies across all industries are set to rise 8.3% to 13,492 next year, with construction singled out as one of the biggest casualties.

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    Nuclear clear-up


    Contrary to the impression given in your quote from me in the article “The path to power” (18 January, page 28), the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) and I are very clear about our policy on nuclear power.

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    Cutting the atom down to size


    Oh dear, two energy-related errors in the 11 January issue. First, kWh is a unit of energy while kW is a unit of power, not vice versa (page 75).

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    A fledgling workforce


    David Cameron’s back to work initiative, raises the memory of the Leeds council community programme of the eighties.

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    Fear not the NEC


    Tony Bingham gave us a light-hearted Christmas reminder of the benefits of the employer having on site people who understand the sharp end of construction (14 December, page 56).

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    Speed isnt everything


    As a south Londoner and a frequent user of the Waterloo terminal (below), I am one of that band of travellers for whom the journey time to Paris has increased as a result of the move to St Pancras, so I might be viewed as being somewhat jaundiced in my ...

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    An elementary lesson


    Following the Bali summit in December there appeared to be an overwhelming agreement that we need to act now to reduce the impact of climate change.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Happily floating along


    I noted with interest the comment in the Hansom column (14 December, page 27) that we at Baqus must hate Turner & Townsend for stealing our thunder by announcing the day before our flotation that it was planning to do the same.

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    Terrorism and you


    The prime minister recently suggested a need for architects to help “design out” terrorist opportunities.

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    The plane truth


    Your reader’s concern about the pitfalls of constructing a school around two 120-year-old plane trees (23 November, page 38) mirrors those of the client and design team at the outset of the project four years ago, but a great amount of consideration went into ensuring the continuing health of the ...

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    Reefer madness


    Although I couldn’t possibly disagree with the main thrust of Jules Harbage’s legal article (7 December, page 58), I am dismayed that yet another opportunity has been missed for addressing the growing issue of drug abuse.

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    Here, here


    I have just read Tony Bingham’s article about the lack of clerks of works on British building sites (14 December, page 56).

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    The golden age of canals


    Many years ago there was some debate among the canal fraternity about the future use of canals.