All Letters articles – Page 46

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    Tests and Trials


    Jackie Sadek might find our pronouncements on the grocery retail sector a little less Kafkaesque if she read them properly (6 June, page 56).

  • The flood that engulfed Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire last summer. With such events becoming more common, should a kitemark system be introduced for development on flood plains?

    Flash of inspiration


    The recent flooding in the West Country brought the UK’s unpredictable weather onto the front pages again

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    North of the border


    Caroline Flint says England is a world leader in green building (13 June, page 62).

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    Griping back


    In response to your article (Generation Gripe, 13 June, page 67), how disappointing that staying late at work is still viewed by some as the only sign of commitment.

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    Slowdown won't stop us


    In response to the article regarding Wienerberger UK’s mothballing of factories (6 June, page 9), the slowdown in the UK building materials sector was the sharpest the industry has ever seen and was without precedent in the UK.

  • Northern Arizona University’s recently opened Applied Research and Development Centre has one of the highest ever ratings under the LEED system

    Take the LEED


    Thank you for your recent article entitled “US to revise LEED assessment system” (16 May, page 14).

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Some confusion


    In a recent issue, I was quoted as saying that LEED certification can be reached without considering energy points.

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    The way to 13,500


    Your leader on the industry’s ability to meet government employment targets was not accurate (13 June, page 3).

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    A shrewd investment


    I read with interest Lindy Patterson’s article on project bank accounts (23 May, page 59) and thought to myself, if she had actually attended, as I did, the conference at the House of Commons that she wrote about, she would have had the opportunity to hear the answers to the ...

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    Empty nest syndrome


    I was delighted to read your article this week on “Dangerous creatures” (30 May, page 34). You highlighted the effect of having a bat present on site. Do you realise that in reality the law goes much further?

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Stick to the day job


    Regarding his decision to design a five-star hotel in Dubai (2 June,, Brad Pitt said: “It will underpin not only my values for environment-friendly architecture, but also embrace my career in entertainment.”

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    Rotten at the core


    Further to your reports on the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) investigation (16 May and subsequently), bid rigging can only operate if there is a central reporting body that holds all the potential bids for the bidding contractors to manipulate.

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    Fewer carrots, more stick


    A commercial market should never be allowed to test or qualify sustainability – unless you’re not totally serious about the issue (2 May, page 3).

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    The job's the thing


    With reference to your consultants’ salary guide feature (16 May, page 42), you herald surveying as being “where the real money is”

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    Cutting corners: a warning


    I read with interest your Open Mike column about ditching the main contractor (9 May, page 41). As head of development monitoring at Malcolm Hollis, I have also seen developers appointing works packages or trade contractors directly to save the main contractor on cost – and it is not just ...

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    Bravo for builder-bashing


    Sir John Egan is spot on with his castigation of housebuilders, but not all of them I should add.

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    Adjudication matters


    It was interesting to see that adjudication for householders carrying out construction works on their properties is catching on (9 May, page 15).

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    What women want


    What does a woman look for in a career? Security, a good working environment, prospects for progression.