All Letters articles – Page 25

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    Burning issue


    That Viridor could be classed as green or incineration portrayed as renewable energy is laughable (Green energy firm to appeal Oxfordshire planning decision, 4 January,

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    Scotland the brittle


    Recent alarming reports that Scotland’s unemployment rates outstrip the rest of the UK should prompt government at all levels to look afresh at their strategy for bringing this country out of recession

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    Scotland the brave …


    The Scottish government’s recent consolidation of 17 planning policies into one document is to be commended

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    Charter 284: The response


    Our pre-election campaign, launched last week, gathers momentum

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    The wranglers


    I was interested to read what Ann Minogue had to say concerning lawyers who represent parties in adjudication (22 January, page 51)

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    Try to understand


    It is sad to see that some Yorkshire authorities are proposing to use a big stick to beat contractors over cover pricing (29 January, page 9)

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    You need help


    As a quaintly named “heritage professional” dealing with “heritage assets” and their management, I can understand Simon Tolson’s frustration with the lack of standard procedure in dealing with historic buildings (5 February, page 47)

  • Learning from the past: can these terraces teach us how to build healthy homes?

    Mind, body and soul


    I read the article on “broken homes” and Amanda Levete’s article (22 January, page 20 and page 22) and neither discussed one of the main reasons why we should deliver better homes and workplaces

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    Flawed board


    James Wates’ appointment as chair of the CITB CSkills board (12 February, page 10) has some clear benefits for the sector, and he will bring real strengths to the role

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    Silk bloomers


    In the article “Mind the gaping hole” (5 February, page 20), you say that “Chris Bolt, the QC who is acting as independent arbiter” threw out Tube Lines’ recent £327m claim against London Underground

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    About time


    At last someone who spells out clearly what the taxman is doing to the industry (“Government burglars”, 5 February, page 3)

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    Return to sender


    Last week’s story on Concentra said incorrectly that Durkan Holdings sold its 51% stake in Durkan Pudelek to Gombe Holdings

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    … and new ones, too


    Regarding Morrell’s views on older buildings: Immediate postwar construction can be equally shoddy

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    These problems with Kickstart


    Homebuyers quite rightly are the best judges of private housing quality

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    What problems with housing?


    It was good to see some reflection in last week’s issue on the state of housing quality (22 January, page 20)

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    These problems with housing


    The recent problems with the Homes and Communities Agency’s Kickstart programme highlight an uncomfortable truth: many of the new homes being built in the UK aren’t good enough

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    Ditch the old buildings …


    In response to “Morrell: Older buildings must be torn down” (, 25 January): not only were many sixties and seventies public buildings constructed with minimal resources, they were often planned to government handbooks that specified the maximum internal area that could not under any circumstances be exceeded

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    Dear Amanda …


    Amanda Levete’s 22 January column suggesting a committee of architects be put in charge of planning was discussed by the online community …

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    Vive la révolution!


    Will Foster’s first hospital, the Circle Bath, revolutionise healthcare design (15 January, page 38)?

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    Lessons from history


    Amanda Levete says: “What we need is something like an architectural Supreme Court, made up of architects and advisers whose pre-eminence is undisputed, that passes binding judgment” (22 January, page 22)