Carbon reduction and the sustainable energy agenda are now regarded as a lifeline – the first because of its impact on the environment and the second because it will reduce carbon and create new opportunities, such as green jobs, in a declining economy

Everyone I speak to recognises the importance of these issues, but we aren’t getting on with the job.

The definition of zero carbon is being debated hotly and it feels as though we are again in a state of limbo. How can everyone plan ahead when there is a huge amount of uncertainty?

Sustainability requirements still vary widely, depending on where you work. With planning permissions, for example, they can range from nothing to specific standards including sustainability statements, detailed energy strategies and commitment to a percentage of renewables.

This patchwork landscape is very confusing and hampering an agenda that most recognise as being critical to our future.

We urgently need clear, consistent and joined-up standards, otherwise how can the market be expected to take the matter seriously and respond to change?

Clare Shuttleworth, White Young Green