I am pleased Patrick McKay raised the topic of global warming. I should like to see CIBSE and possibly ASHRAE jointly recognised as the informed source for information on the subject of climate change.

To hypothesise as Stern has done recently is all very well; however, that is all it remains – a hypothesis. As engineers, we should base our decisions on validated information and as CIBSE has not changed the design criteria, then the data on which the design criteria is predicated has therefore not changed.

In the light of the anxiety generated by the present ‘hypothesis’, may I suggest CIBSE research the whole issue of climate change and produce a definitive report? It could prove to be very enlightening and possibly counter the present view, especially as history shows that many aspects of our climate are on varying cycles or swings, with the specific causes for the change being highly complex.

For me, the two major initiators of climate change must surely be the sun and the heat in the earth’s core. Many changes happened before the influence of mankind, suggesting that the CO2 increases following the industrial revolution cannot have been responsible.

However, we should continue, rigorously, to pursue the reduction of energy and carbon emissions for our general wellbeing.

Chris Ambrose CEng FCIBSE